i stopped playing for a month or two and now the only character i remember how to play is baiken help

Boring and het, a losing combination.

some of the best movement in a 3D mario, not as good as sunshine in that department and i still prefer it to that but its definetly a strong game in its own regard

its good! it just didnt strike a perfect chord with me

it takes too long to get going but what it does it does well, really excels in its movement but combat is mediocre

i actually wanna give an elder scrolls game a shot but the switch is not a good console for it

i modded it too hard and it broke but maybe that was a blessing in disguide

an improvement to 1 in multiple ways but held back by multiple aspects such as the execution in some chapters, the bad tutorials and the gacha element which ends up making a less than desirable sequel to some