5 reviews liked by Arthxr

You see a lot of negative reviews for this game in here, and with an average rating of 2.5 you may just think, “Eh, it’s probably forgettable.” While Gubble isn’t a ground breaking puzzle game like Tetris or Lumines, it’s still a fun time. At times the music can be annoying, yeah, but outside of that I think it’s a fine puzzle game to just pass the time with. There’s no bullshit enemies or unfair level design, it’s just fine. Scott memes aside, I give Gubble a 3/5

it’s wednesday alright

ah yes, the classic pokémon formula of changing absolutely nothing, making the game easier, and being filled with endless bugs due to rushed releases. pokémon sword is more bland, boring, easy pokémon with yet another forgettable story despite there being hours of dialogue in here. one day, i hope, pokémon will be decent again



A good example for publishers that all you need for a successful game, no matter its quality, is dedicate a large part of your budget to bespoke animations for a cute creature.