One of the best beat 'em up ever, with a serious main campaing, lots of quirky sidestories and even more additional mini games to play to fully complete the game

A Turret Defense game that has monstar catching mechanics too, there's nothing really unique in the gameplay, but it's not really complicated to get onto it either

This game feels like a flash game and plays like one, it can be played, but it's nothing you should be paying more than 1 euro/dollar for it

A free game, worth it to play for 10 minutes and never touch again

One of the greatest RPG ever, the story of the game is like watching an episode of the series, and the battles with all the attacks animations and names are just an extension of that

Grasshoper's first game, the story is interesting and thrilling, and having 2 different main characters helps at seeing the same story from different angles

The gameplay is interesting and it offers several solutions for the same problem, but there's some of the optional content that is just too cumbersome, using words that no one would think about without looking at a guide

I think the idea behind the game is a great one, but the execution of it wasn't done correctly, some mechanics felt clunky and collecting things wasn't easy when some of them were invisible, there's also something else that bothers me.
Who thought it was a good idea to have a point of no return in a collectathon?

A thrilling experience, I won't give much details to not spoil the game to others, but it's a short game that's different to anything else I played

The main gameplay of this Turret Defense game is on the easy side, but the minigames it has are really, really complicated


An overrated game, around 80% of the game feels just like filler and the RPG mechanics are too simple, becoming stale after the first hour of gameplay

A great search action game with really good pixel art, it also rewards the player for beating the bosses without receiving damage by giving them extra items.

A game to understand what being schizo feels like

Don't play this unless you have a quirk for awful games

Your average horror-RPG maker game, not too scary in comparison to other games, but brings a bit of tension to the player at all times when playing it