Resident Evil's 4 inventory made as an individual game, if you've played RE4, you know exactly what you're going to expect from this game, I've beaten it in a 90 minute session, so it's not a long game, I was able to grab this for 0,50 $ on a 10-game pack, so if you find it there, it's worth the purchase

An average free Picross game, if you want to introduce to this puzzle genre, this is a great entry, since it's free and has all the puzzles distributed by difficulty

Feels exactly like the prequel, just with characters that are different to play, if you enjoyed the previous one, this game goes to offers around 1 dollar, so for that prize it's worth the purchase

An interesting puzzle + platforming game, if you like both those genres, this is a must have for you, the levels are al on the short side, not being longer than 2 minutes each, so it's not a frustrating experience to master at any moment.

The game keeps the same perfect humour flow that was present in The Stick of Truth, I prefer the battle mechanics of this game since it's more based aroung a tactical RPG, which makes the fights more complex than just "use the strongest attack on your arsenal"

As a Danganronpa game, it's obviously the worse of them since it's a spin off that actually knows it's a spin off, having a totally different playstyle than the previous entries, the gameplay itself it's not bad and since the game is not that long, it's enjoyable.

While Toko wasn't one of my favourite characters in Danganronpa 1, I did find her interactions to be funnier than Hiro (who was supposed to be comic relief), and on this game she keeps that spirit while having character development that makes her more enjoyable in my eyes.

The story itself is pretty simple and doesn't bring to the table any big plot twist, it has some awful fanservice moments but it helps connecting the story of 1 and 2 together

This is a game that I liked more and more with each playthrough I did, at the beginning, I didn't think much of it, the mechanics were a bit interesting but nothing out of the ordinary, but after speedrunning the whole game and the individual bosses, I started to learn how each skill worked together, how I could change characters mid-fight to obtain higher damage outputs, that made me little by little enjoy the gameplay of this game more and more, to the point that I saw that each of the individual parts were just a part of a bigger puzzle, and when enough time was given to them, they fit perfectly between each other

An experience more than a game, it has some cool ideas and it creates a kind of scary/unexpected aura without needing to relly on jumpscares at any moment, which is a plus in my book

I never played any Crash game before this one, being this my introduction to the series, and I really liked the challenges it offered with all the time trials, Crash 1 was by far the hardest of the trio, with Stormy Ascent, the level that was removed from the original version, taking me more than 10 hours to beat in the time trial version, if you like platform games that are hard, this is a must play

A fun micromanagement game you can beat in a hour, luckily, this one doesn't have +18 content so it's not as shameful as Huniepop

Sadly, it doesn't live to the expectations of the previous entries, it's still a decent game, but it doesn't live to be considered as good as 999 or Virtue's Last Reward

Really cool game, specially if you can play it with a friend, since it has a co-op campaign which plays exactly the same than the solo one

Like all Warriors game, I would only recommend this to fans of Fire Emblem, but my main concern is that it focuses too much with Shadow Dragon, Awakening and Fates, which in my opinion are the weakest titles of the series, if you like any of them, then that game can be good for you, but for me, it was just average, liking a lot more Three Hopes, since it has a cast I like a lot more, and the gameplay was also improved

The second entry of the No More Heroes saga and the one that has the best gameplay of the 3 main titles, access to 4 different weapons that don't outperform between each other, but let the player have different battle styles combined with the biggest kit that Travis had in the three main games, make for me the best entry by far

An extra campaign, it plays exactly like the base game, it adds new mechanics making it a refreshing experience, my only concern is that, by having only 3 characters, the solutions to the battles are more restrictive and you can't experiment as much as in the base game