I don't know. Kirby games are usually very similar. The game is good and I had fun with all its contents. Also, amazing final boss and good OST. It may not have anything groundbreaking for the franchise, but I still enjoyed it a lot

A Mega Man clone with cute anime girls. The power-ups work more or less like Cave Story and it has good level designs, music and charismatic characters. A fun game that probably Mega Man fans find too easy and short though

I haven't played A Link to the Past, so I can't really compare one to another. Totally enjoyed this one tho. The travelling between worlds, being able to become a drawing, the weapon rental, the story...I totally enjoyed all these things. The dungeons were nice, but bosses were really disappointing in my opinion unfortunately

I haven't played the original, so I can't compare it. The game itself; breathtaking. It has it's difficulty curves (the infamous water temple) and, when it's really good, I think the story is kind of overrated. On the other hand, boss fights are really good, and music, gameplay and the world's design is beyond 10

I understand how revolutionary this was for 1986. But today, this is insufferable. It's already difficult by itself because its enemies are really cruel, but also, this game is cryptic in the worst sense possible. Almost impossible to complete without external guide, at least, in the sections with false walls

Everyone compares this game with the first one (which I haven't played). I like this game a lot, the mansions are unique between them so it never feels repetitive. The game's not very difficult or long, but so much fun. Also, S tier multiplayer

I think it's very difficult to make a boring Mario Kart game. This one is no exception. It's been a long time since the last time I played this game, but I remember having so much fun with many of the circuits and the missions (some of them were kind of unfair tho)

It's Mario Kart but now you can fly, go underwater and customize your kart. It brings back the coins and has a multiplayer that works perfectly. Sounds like a lot of fun and indeed it is. But I miss the missions from the DS. Still, top tier game in terms of fun

The best game of the franchise in my opinion. There are so many cool things here: the plot, the characters, the ost, the humour, playing as "two" different characters, the minigames...and I'll stop because the less you know about this game the better, because there are many surprises. The only problem? A final boss that appeared from almost nowhere (with an outstading theme though). That aside, S tier game

Inferior to its prequel in almost all senses, but still a very good game. The fighting system and the ost is as good as always, with the idea of the dreamworld being absolutely original and amazing. The game holds your hand a little bit to much, but I still enjoyed it a lot. And well, Antasma is probably the coolest design in the entire Mario universe

I remember almost nothing about this game. I played it during hours and I remember it gave me as much fun as frustration. The minigames were seriously entertaining and each level had its own unique mechanic, avoiding any kind repetition. Having also a good ost and some good boss battles, I'll give it a 4. But as I said, I remember close to nothing XD

The minigames are entertaining, but big part of them are too simple unfortunately, you get bored too quickly. And this game is completely made of them, there's no plot at all so...I don't know, at least there are a big variety of minigames. This game still holds a place in my heart because I played it a lot with an old friend of mine, but it's not very impressive

The first game of a legendary franchise didn't age very well. It was revolutionary for the time being, but right now its music, level design and gameplay look really old-fashioned. I enjoyed it (although there are many unfair moments like in every entry in this franchise), but in my opinion there's no reason to play it existing better Megaman games (like its sequel)

The gap between this game and the one before is astronomical. Much more original level designs, some of the best music of the era, more interesting (and broken) weapons...yeah, it has its bullshit (like the boobeam trap), but I still think it's a very good classic Megaman game

The peak of classic Mega Man, in my opinion. Weapons and level design are more varied and balanced, the ost improves too and it even has surprising ending. The main flaw is, of course, the Doc Robot thing with its recycled stages and bosses; I like the idea of the changed levels, but I think it tries too hard to make the game last longer.
Still, this was my first megaman game, I completed it more than 10 times, so I can't deny that I love it