One of the simplest games I've ever played. A really short and kind of easy musical platformer that costed me 2€ on the 3DS e-shop. Being so cheap, it's more or less worth it

Revolutionary graphics and music for the time being, this platformer is one of the best things the SNES has to offer. So much fun with the level design, the 10/10 ost and the charismatic duo we have as main characters. Legendary status

Cool idea with an original gameplay, but it got boring too fast for me. It was even kind of unfair in the last stages. I only played it when I didn't feel like playing any other game

Totally worth 2€. The simplest RPG i know, where the only thing you do is walk around, knew how to be entertaining with some nice puzzles and a good atmosphere and music. Nothing really outstanding, but as I said: totally worth 2€

The only Fire Emblem game I've played is totally amazing. The first part kind of works like a tutorial, which can be good (if you're new) or bad (if you're already experimented). The story is not very complex, but still nice. Music, characters and gameplay are a 10 for me. I have lots of feelings for this game so I totally recommend it

One of the best e-shop games. It's kind of slow, but the switching between screens is very original; the puzzles and situations created work perfectly. The music is surprisingly good too, it's a shame there's no story at all

I played until Clubstep
A really difficult lateral scroll rythm game which nice techno music and flashing graphics. What you see is what you get, nothing more, nothing less. If you like rythm games, you'll probably enjoy it

The graphics are incredible, everything is drawn by hand, and combined with the music, you get that perfect western atmosphere. The gameplay is really fun, you even have some characters to choose between. Unfortunately it's really really short

Gunman Clive but better. Better atmosphere, crazier levels (some of them out of the western ambience), more characters and better music. Simply better


First of all, it's FREE. Next: I'm a total sucker for this game. I love the graphics, I love the music, the gameplay is so much fun, the level system...and one of the best stories of all time in my opinion. It's not a 5 because, even though I like them, graphics and gameplay can be kind of outdated for some people. What can I say, I'm a diehard Iji fan

What we have here is one of the most unique experiences you can have on your 3DS, and also, the game with which I have laughed the most. The story is really good and the music, totally top tier. The weakest points are the gameplay (which is really original, but kind of unconfortable in my opinion) and the bosses, most of which are too short for me.

I remember having so much fun with this game. The concept is totally original and the gameplay works perfectly for me; it also has a lot of equally fun minigames making it last longer (I think it's still short though). Also, the best music in any Kirby game ever.

It appeared on the last NES years, reason why it didn't get much attention at the moment. But it's still one of the best games on the console; a colored adventure than anyone can complete, and the first game with the great idea of absorbing enemies and getting their powers

A good start to the franchise. Extremely short and easy, and, unlike big part of the Kirby ganes, you can't get enemies' ability (you can absorb them though). Fun and simple, nothing more to say

Kirby's Dreamland totally updated. Now you can get powers from foes, can join forces with some animals (giving more variety to the gameplay) and a (no joke here) difficult and hidden true final boss that gives the Game an exciting climax. At the same level as the NES game