basically neutered everything that made the old game one of the best, theres still a lot of good stuff here but the og is just flat out better

fun im just not a big metroidvania guy

makes numerous improvements on 5, makes it hard to go back


one of the best of its genre while actually being able to tell a good story despite its genre

really amazing direction for the series, super fun to play

really good just a bit too samey on breath of the wild

fanservice at its core but improves on majority of 3 while being less dumb to beat then torna

fun but didnt really add enough, possibly spoiled by torna

honestly the only thing that's wrong with this game is that there's a vastly better version on the switch now

amazing game. managed to be a sequel to both of the first games while remaining its own game

great everything, but above all else the combat is the series' best

everything the original was but better. one of my all time favourites

great story, but honestly the combat falls flat. at first its fun and the boss fights are great but the weapon crafting and trooper cards kinda ruins it late game in my opinion.