This game is terrifying and I regret trying to play it. If my score was purely based on whether or not this game is an effective horror game, 4.5 stars sure. But it's based on whether or not I had a nice time and I did not have a nice time thank you very much. I am very happy to abandon this game.

I had the pleasure to play this with friends the first time I played it. While the servers themselves were spotty at best, 2D Mario platformers are always the most fun these days when you have friends to play them with. So we were able to look past the connectivity issues because of the good vibes. A great game, I recommend to play with friends if you can!

What happened here? The first two games were so strong, and then this one shows up and just makes a mess of the good name that is Nathan Drake. There were some great moments that I love the Uncharted games for, adventure, cinematic moments, witty dialogue, but they're weighed down by some pointless gameplay (bruh, the desert, why?) and flimsy plot.

This is my favourite game in the Uncharted series. Everything that was great about the first game is made even better here. That opening with the train?? Insanely cool. That final boss fight was a bit frustrating not gonna lie, but not so much that it ruined the overall experience for me. I think the moral of the story is I just need to learn to get good.

This game was an absolute blast. Combat is fun, traversal and exploration are fantastic, and the story is great. Nathan is such a great protagonist. Its fun playing this for the first time after playing the Last of Us, recognizing the mechanics and design that started here and were carried forward by Naughty Dog devs.

The Uncharted Collection is like that meme drawing of the horse. It starts hyper realistic, kinda stays that way, and then looks like a kindergartener drew it by the end. Grateful that its on the PS4 in one collection though.

Once again Freebird Games finds a way to tell a captivating story that rips out my heart and makes me love that love exists. The same charm and humor from the first game is present. With a new patient in need, and new implications of what the kind of technology Sigmund Corp uses is capable of. A fantastic sequel.

A cute mini episode. Its fun having the teaser for the next game in the series be its own little game rather than just a trailer or an announcement. I'm indecisive though on whether or not I'd consider this required story to play before Finding Paradise.

I have replayed this game more than any other. I love this game with all my heart. The story is rich and captivating. The characters are well developed and memorable. There's a humorous charm and a heart wrenching sorrow in this game that leaves me smiling and crying every time. 10/10 recommend for anyone looking for a great narrative experience.


Home does a lot with atmospheric tension and withholding information to build suspense. It's horror comes from the leaps your imagination is willing to make to create conclusions. The suspense was fun and I love the pixel art style. But I was left wondering, "What happened?" and not in as impactful of a way as maybe intended.

I want to love this game more than I do. I love how it expands upon the lore established by Breath of the Wild (BOTW). I actually really enjoy the warriors style game play. I love and hate that the final battle with Ganon is better in this game than in BOTW. However, the warriors style gameplay does get a bit repetitive and wow does this game struggle to run on the Switch.


This is a classic side scroller I've known about for years. A friend of mine gifted me this game because it is one of his favourites of all time. The art direction is fantastic and the atmosphere is creepy. A fun game I'm glad I played.

This game is unsettling and terrifying. I watched a play through of this game years ago before playing it. But even knowing what was going to happen at every moment I still felt scared and on edge. I think its a great thriller/horror game, I just won't rate it higher because I don't like being scared. Streaming scary games for views is a choice I won't be making again.

My favourite Putt-Putt hands down. The nostalgia is strong with this one. Putt-Putt isn't my favourite of the Humongous Entertainment games, but I chalk that up to it being the series targeted to the youngest audience. I acknowledge I am a grown man saying this, but its the inner child in me who thrives when I play games like this. This is the inner child writing this review too.

I was gifted my copy of Into a Dream and had the pleasure of meeting the game's developer before playing. The topic of mental health and the struggle of finding the best ways to support those we love aren't topics frequently explored in games. It was amazing to play a game that tries to. This medium has just as much potential to explore this kind of subject matter as books or films do. There were a few mechanical issues when playing, but I imagine they've been smoothed out since.