Fucking incredible. First metroidvania and one of the best games I've ever played. Buttery smooth controls, tough but fun boss fights, super cool exploration. It's just a game I could not get enough of.

So fun and so fresh. Definitely my favorite and most played shooter at the moment. I wanna go back and play it right now. Can't really explain everything great about it, gunplay feels so good, this kind of objective is new and fresh, maps are cool (although more and diff vibes would be great), and every win feels so satisfying. Can't wait to play more and see this rating go up.

This game is fucking awesome. It is one of the most fun multiplayer games that I have played in years, and every time I play with my friends, we have such a good time. The atmosphere is perfectly crafted to make every scare so impactful, and all the monster designs are horrifying, which makes running away from them the tensest shit you'll ever feel. There will be times when you are with a friend, and somebody on the ship yells out that theres a monster running at you, and so you start booking it. Then when you turn around you see that your friend is gone without a trace. So scary yet so fucking fun. Very few games create experiences like that.
Playing this game with proximity chat is a MUST, don't just settle for discord.
This game really is a blast, however it is not without a couple of flaws, all of which can be easily fixed in updates. For starters, there is not much variety throughout runs. I actually don't want different objective types like some people do. I think the one simple objective type is perfect, and adding more could make it too complicated like Among Us got. What I want for more variety is more interior spaces. There are tons of planet varieties, but you barely spend anytime outside, and there is almost no variety in interior spaces. Despite the random generation in layout, there are only two different sets of interior pallets, and one of them is only available on later planets. Since it takes a long time to get to those later planets, you'll be spending hours in one very similar looking interior. All I want is different vibes to be added in the future, with maybe even new ways of getting around or some puzzles in them. The only other issue I have is the pricing on some items being a little wonky. Some items are so highly priced that you won't be buying them for your crew until 3rd or 4th quota which can take hours in one run sometimes. I don't think they should be easy to get, but maybe a little less hard.
Despite these issues, the game is still awesome and a blast. And the issues can be easily fixed in updates. I love playing this game and will surely continue, because no other game provides an experience like it, especially not one with friends. Highly recommend if you're looking for a game to play with your friend group.

(Catching up on ratings for multiplayer games I have been playing).
This game is really cool and a huge accomplishment for a small studio like this, but it is missing a little something for me. The shooting feels very good and it is hella satisfying to get kills once you get into a groove (although it usually takes halfway through a game for me to get into a groove), but each game generally feels the same. The novelty of such huge lobbies is fun, but it makes you feel like you're not actually doing all that much to make objective progress. I know there are smaller lobby sizes, but those aren't as easy to find. The maps are all good, but feel a little similar in vibe. I think the weapon modification is really awesome and lets you pick and choose exactly how you want your game to feel. The game is fun for sure, and I see why so many would like it, but it is not gonna be my multiplayer game of choice. I will be playing it every once in a while though because the game is fun from time to time.

Not sure why I am giving this a whole star more than CSGO despite the only real difference between them being the graphics, but what can I say, I've had way more fun with this than the first game. Maybe it's just the fact that I'm playing it at a different time in my life or maybe it really is the graphics, but whatever it is, I know I'm enjoying it a whole lot more.

Just not good... I think part of it is that I much prefer Horizon to Motorsport because it's just more my type of racing game, but this game is also so poorly optimized for pc. The framerate is never stable, and the textures look bad even when I am on high settings. I don't usually love to focus on graphics but when this is a genre where graphics greatly improve the experience, I want them to be good. I don't really care about car customization and didn't get far enough in to give it more of a try, but I get why people complain about it. Anyway, definitely one to skip out on until performance is better, but I think I'll stick with Horizon 5.

I tried playing this with a friend and it just wasn't all that fun. All the objectives were shallow and didn't require much thought to complete. The gunplay was mid at best. The UI is just plain bad. There were a few fun moments but for the most part it's not all that good.

I love that they made this, but a 2D platformer like this was never made to be a fighting game. Harmless since it is free but nothing all that great.

I got soft locked on one of the last levels but this game isn't very good so I just didn't feel like going all the way to finish it. Very disappointing, I had much higher expectations. Cool to see all these locations but the gameplay is somehow worse than other lego games, and the levels are so stripped down and short. I don't know how they fumbled this badly after so many years of working on it.

So addicting. I played it on my pc and on my phone and even though I'm typically not a mobile game fan (clash of clans withstanding) I enjoyed it far more on mobile because of how I could play it anywhere and in short highly addicting bursts. There's not much to it which makes it all the more impressive with how they used casino like tactics to keep everyone hooked. Even though I'm mostly done with it now I still greatly enjoyed it and will absolutely play it again from time to time.

Lots to think about. Great game need more!

Definitely not done with this game seeing as I love it, just need some time in my schedule to clear up before I keep grinding out my runs. I've beaten the small and medium maps on regular and hard difficulty, so I'd like to continue climbing up that ladder. What could bump this up in score is definitely more content. It already does have a good amount for its asking price so I'm not upset with the amount that it has currently, but I think with more updates (which seem to be planned) this game could really become something truly special. In all, it's a super unique and well executed concept that has massive potential on top of its already well-built foundation so I'm excited to see if (and hopefully when), they reach it.

Fantastically relaxing game. What I find to be a better version of Islanders. The only issue is that it doesn't have much to keep me coming back after sinking a few hours into it. I do love how it is just relaxing and based on getting a high score, but I would personally like it if they had things to unlock or progress in in order to compel me to return more consistently than once every few months.

Still grinding through this game rn so the rating could change, but I can't believe i doubted this game! Another amazing rougue-like/lite that cements the genre as my favorite.

Just been playing this for shits and giggles, but it is actually so fucking fun I love it.