Its a really good game my main criticism is with the lack of content but considering the game is free (with the option to buy the soundtrack to support the devs if you want) I can't really complain.

It has the movement and shooting of Gungeon, the bonfires from Dark souls, the healing from Hollow Knight and a sense of Metroidvania exploration for new abilities and power ups.

It comes together to make a mechanically very sound and incredible game that everyone needs to play. If this had more content, it would be an easy contender for 5 stars.

All the makings of a great indie classic on par with Binding are here, we just need significantly more of it.

Recently completed it on stream so I may be viewing it favourably but the game is great. By modern standards its lacking a lot, especially in its gunplay.

The sense of exploration, the music, secrets and atmosphere come together to create a great experience filled with challenging puzzles, memorable moments and locales.

The shooting is really my only criticism, as well as the boss fights. They are a bit too simplistic and easily kite-able.

The way how you can get soft locked and ganked over and over again is problematic. But that might be a skill issue with not preserving meds.

Overall a great template for the modern adventure/puzzle game.

A good instalment to the counterstrike franchise. As a relatively casual player I like some of the QOL changes that have been made to the game.

Seeing your audible radius on the radar, being able to refund guns and other small improvements have made the experience far more beginner friendly.

The game is obviously going to get numerous updates, but at the moment the hit reg is sus at times and this maybe due to the hitbox issues that have been recently fixed.

The way smokes bloom in this game is also amazing. You'd think that loads of games would have them in this volumetric style where they fill spaces and can be dispersed with nades but i'm yet to really see it.

Losing half a star for the toxicity in the community. Being called racial slurs every game is not fun. Another half a star off for the lack of content in the launch/few weeks of post launch builds of the game. Will surely change with time but not a complete game at the moment.

Cool game. Very much enjoyed the art style and the 2d platforming.

Really did think the main gimmick with the spear would get old but it was kept surprisingly fresh with its different uses.

Minimal story is fine for a game like this, not everything needs 200 wiki pages of just lore.

For free or <£8 worth a download.

Its a stripped back and very focused rally game which isn't a problem at all. There isn't the unnecessary bloat in this game that modern racing games suffer from. Social features are at a minimum and reduced to inviting other players and that's great.

The gameplay is solid and feels like a great balance between the arcadey type racers and a sim game, making it accessible but increasingly challenging to master.

It still suffers from the awkward 3rd party camera making it look like you are floating above the tracks surface, but this is something that all modern racing games suffer from.

Lastly, the pace notes you receive are great. When you are in the zen state they feel so fluid and like they are being spoken at the perfect tempo. They are so good you can break your lights off and follow the pace notes to victory even in the dark.

Played with a PS5 controller that did need some remapping to get working, but acceptable considering the game came out before the ps5.

What starts out as a nice game about cycling down a series of gorgeous looking mountains turns into a game about chasing the quickest segment times, minimising crashes and getting onto the leaderboards.

Its a really simple premise that is executed very well. The pixel art style is minimalist, non distracting and pretty although there are times when the depth of field is questionable and makes everything blurry. Either Switch related or design choice. Not enough to dock stars, but noticeable on the second mountain in particular.

Gameplay starts off feeling a bit janky, but once you get the hang of it, its tight if not a little unforgiving when you clip a rock. How high you can fall from and survive also sometimes just seems arbitrary.

Its losing half a star because on the Switch the screen occasionally freezes for 1/10th of a second or so which causes stuttering. It doesn’t seem bad until it costs you multiple runs in a row which maybe a try-hard issue but it is frustrating.

Also losing a star for its consistently high price of £20 or so. Its a good game, but 4 years out, thats gotta be coming down. Worth a buy at < £10 or < £15 if you love these types of games at the most.

Almost gained half a star back for the free DLC, but its just an extra track per mountain. A whole new biome/mountain and it would of gained it back.

I liked the overall idea, the enemy design ect. The problem with this game is that it lacks the complexity or amount of stuff that other Rogue-lites have. Everything feel rather samey to use.

There aren't really that many crazy synergies, everything seems rather tame and scaled back. Overall, the game feels like it needed far more content to be considered truly good.
This even extends to room layouts and configurations, there aren't too many before it feels like you're playing the same level again and again.

Minus 1 star. If you are going to make a game in this genre, it has to have a lot of content to switch up the basic premise of all Rogue Likes/lites.

Also minus a star for how grindy some of the enemies can feel to kill. It just feels like a needless DPS check that has you running more than dodging some enemies.

A unique card based Rogue-lite where you build the "board" with every card played. Cool synergies between cards and a replayable loop that is satisfying once you get going.

It has some depth, but after the first hour you'll feel like you understand most of it and for the most part, you will. Worth it for free or if you particularly like Rogue-lite deck builders with a twist. Otherwise, £8 max-ish.

So I remember playing this back on Popcap games. Downloaded the steam version as it was cheap and got exactly what I expected.

It's fun in a nostalgic play it once and never touch it again way. Basically just a pachinko machine where you shoot the balls where you want them to go.

Everyone should play it once to experience it, but only if it's cheap already. This just doesn't have enough content to feasibly keep you playing for a long period of time and once you are over the initial gimmick of it, you'll soon lose interest.

SnowRunner is such a chill little game. I'm surprised I didn't play it sooner in all honesty.

Really this is a polarising game, if you enjoy the more sim-esque style games without the seriousness then this game could be for you.

Deliver stuff, pull stuff out of the mud and overall just piss about in trucks for a few hours or days if you get addicted. Worth a buy at <£15, anything above this is for enthusiasts only.

DeathStranding but with trucks, no story and less immersion.

I got lost playing this game for about 3 days. It is very engaging if you enjoy making small optimisations to your factory with every upgrade you get.

Having said that, gameplay does come down to placing machines and conveyor belts. It's relaxing and chill, but it isn't winning awards for being a master piece. Cheap buy or for free, worth a play.

Chess with a shotgun...

I enjoy the way it pays homage to chess as a game with a new twist but this isn't going to hold your attention for that long.

The basic premise is that you are the black king armed with a shotgun whilst the white pieces can only move in their traditional chess manner albeit with a couple of exceptions.

These exceptions are triggered by the cards that the game offers you at the end of each level. Each good card comes with a negative card to accompany it e.g

"Add +1 shell to your shotgun, every 5 turns a pawn is conscripted to the white side"

Its is a good game and worthy of play, but maybe only for £7 or so. Anymore than that and it's only worth a play if you are really into chess and light deck building rogue likes.

The amount of content here courtesy of the community is staggering. If you are a Mario fan there is so much here to enjoy and love.

Content from Nintendo themselves is obviously sparse, but that isn't really the point of the Mario Maker games. It's to allow the community to create weird, wonderful and jaw droppingly complex levels.

The Endless modes are the addition to the Mario Franchise that I didn't know I needed until I got stuck headfirst into them.

Menus and UI are a little bit convoluted for what they are, and its not always clear how to get into multiplayer games etc but it still doesn't really detract from the experience.

If you love playing Mario games and have finished all the curated experiences provided by Nintendo, this will continue to scratch that itch literally forever.

Played the "Exalted" version if it makes a difference and for an hour or so but I felt like it was long enough to tell what this game was about.

To be honest, this game is free and that is it's saving grace. Combat and everything else is simple enough to understand but the controls are awful.

Q + E to change the direction you are facing. WASD to move and no button to return to north etc. The tutorial makes the game seem like a dungeon crawler-esque title whilst the actual game just throws you into a open world to do quests and other things.

I don't really think i'm stupid, but I just had no idea what was going on in this game. Why am I killing pirates for a quest, some random creatures because it told me so and god knows what else. None of it flowed or came with explanations.

I can see how someone would get sucked into a f2p micro transaction type game like this but it was just awful. It's like it's designed to get rid of all of the non-whales immediately so the developers can just focus on the people who are willing to grind/pay their life away.

Stars are for the premise alone and what could of been a weird top down shooter game showing potential. Everything else about this game is just rubbish.

Coming off of Fallout 3 I was expecting a much better game than we got here. Overall the main story line was very short, super predictable and pretty boring. 1 star off.

The Bethesda charm had worn off by this game, the bugs, the ridiculous rag doll physics of enemies and the stupid AI were just too much. It had been the same engine for years at this point and I at least was sick of it. Half a star off

Locations were somewhat varied and interesting, but the game just felt like it lacked any substance after the lacklustre main story. The rest of it was just filler content.

This may be preference, but the story so heavily incentivises you to complete the story before doing the side missions that it's a product of it's own design. I.E it makes it's self boring.

Garvey and his insistence on saving the towns plus the implementation of settlements and all the other nonsense that comes with it is worthy of half a star off.

What you're left with is a relatively bad FPS or TPS game with an open world. It's better than some, but that's not saying much. Power armour mods is a plus as is the gun smith-esque system but it's not enough to really save this game.