38 Reviews liked by Bcollis1202

The logo being a giraffe gettin sucked is the best thing in this game

The best story I've ever experienced in video games. The narrative choices that were made in this game were bold and daring but paid off so incredibly well. Massive and exhausting journey that beats the shit out of you every second. Incredible level design, character animation, character PERFORMANCE. Truly next gen game that somehow managed to run on a PS4. So glad I was able to play these characters and experience this world when I did. Looking forward to even more people also getting to experience it through the show.


a world that’s dominated by kink and run by perverts, trying to figure out traumatic desires in the middle of suburbia hell, violence against human rendered so vivid it turns into a cyclic nightmare. as gorgeous and as entrancing as the first time i ever saw it. this is it, it’s dark now

"you're among wolves now... And these are our woods"

Holy shit this so fucking badass!

1300 hours on my switch. Probably almost 2000 overall.
Taking everything into account it's almost certainly the best platform fighter that has ever and will ever be made. Also, maybe the best single best franchise crossover of all time (including any type of media... if you disagree tell me what's better).

I used to love playing Miitopia on my 3DS as a kid and not only does the Switch version bring back everything that was amazing about the original, it expands on it and improves it. The fun, innocent nature of this game just fills me with nostalgia as well.

Time for my annual replay of this silly masterpiece.

This game is amazing and it changed my life forever how can you not like this game

"walking simulator" doesnt even begin to describe how fascinating this game is. like, so what? youre telling me you dont get super relaxed when youre walkin through this beautifully crafted landscape and a low roar (who is now one of my favorite musical artists) song comes on?
outside of that, this game has reached my number 1 favorite of all time. the music from ludvig forssell is out of this world, the characters' stories are intriguing, the overall story is mindblowing, the gameplay is relaxing (or very tense), and the graphics are beautiful. absolutely well done, kojima.

So glad I was in the right head space to get fully immersed in this game. Never felt like I wanted to rush it and instead let the game take me through a breathtaking world. Enjoyed every second.

Great and convenient way to play two of the best games of all time, but play on Gamecube instead if you can.

Honestly its fine. I like the setting, but the gameplay should of been a lot gorier and the immediately despawning enemies kinda takes you out of any hopes of being immersed

This game is absolutely stunning visually, and I adore the worldbuilding, but I have absolutely no clue what's going on in it.

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Can't say it's surprising that I really enjoyed this game as Remedy is one of my favourite game developers.

I was really happy with the Alan Wake expansion and the hint towards Alan Wake 2 they put at the end. Also this game hints at Alan Wake: American Nightmare being Canon as it takes place in Ordinary, the town the protagonist is from.

I love the sequel to this. Playing as Clementine is SOOOOOOOO good and I thought the conclusion was heartbreaking yet satisfying. Also, this might just be me but I feel like the characters in this are stronger than the first one...? Maybe it's cuz they all have more of a chance to grow but yeah I really loved it.