Disappointing. Loved Golf Story.

Felt unfinished, buggy, and lacking direction. Golf is the the only decent sport to play and you don't get to play enough of that.

Second worst game I played in 2023

What a game! Wish it was even more anime and over the top!

First time you dodge a missile felt like magic

One of my favorite games when it came out. Holds up surprisingly well today.

Good game, I can see why people are impressed.

Lotta spectacle without substance for me though

The first couple hours made me feel like I felt when I first played Portal.

Great puzzle game. No mechanic overstays their welcome, and they way they innovate on the same tools is very impressive.


Captures the feeling of playing a game as a child and not fully understanding how it works. Incredible!

Great Characters and story. Don't love 5e as gameplay mechanics w/o a DM. Act 3 was a little undercooked but the finale was real strong.


Fantastic "walking sim"! The moment you realize why the farmer is making his decision hits you like a gut punch.

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Ambitious game that I do not think quite pulls it off. Love exploring new areas and deciphering the ancient language.

The dialog trees feel awkward and like you are constantly missing options that appear or disappear at the last second. Sailing started out relaxing but became tedious as it takes so long.

The concept of the story looping is great, but my first loop took 26 hours! I was ready to be done, not jump back in.

Very good mysteries to solve. Was under the impression you would need to jump around from case to case to solve them, but it was pretty linear.