Team Fortress 2? Overwatch? Valorant? Forget about them, THIS is the best team based shooter

Sonic team and Sega dared to ask the question of “what if Breath of the Wild was better” and came up with this as the answer. I think they succeeded.

(Half star off for the kind of shitty finale, other half star because of the lowkey lack of polish in some aspects)

I fucking love Spider-Man, videogames and Spider-Man videogames

As someone who has never played the original re4, or any resident evil for that matter due to me never liking the horror genre, this game is absolutely wonderful, and blew me away. It didn't feel as scary as it felt tense, and suspenseful. Combat is incredibly well designed with moves such as your kicks being incredibly satisfying to pull off, with every weapon feeling extremely distinct. There's not really anything wrong with this game personally, and I can't wait to eventually replay it!

This game is literally Spider-Man Devil May Cry meets prototype

Peak fiction im afraid

Tfw the critically acclaimed game that is considered a masterpiece, is in fact, a masterpiece


We need more games with as much charm, style and soul as this

Everything a videogame sequel should be

Legit the rise of skywalker of the sonic franchise: an attempt to course correct from where the franchise was heading, only to alienate the entire goddamn fanbase because things just end up being mid as fuck, as this one attempts to have a bigger focus on story. The key word here is "attempt" because it ain't good. "eggman wins" is such a cool idea for a sonic game story, but the game barely makes use of it. Previous sonic games, such as colors and generations also had weak stories, but thing is, they weren't ambitious, which is ok as they made up in the gameplay and other aspects. Thing is, forces DOES try and be ambitious and be this grand tale of resistance, but it fails at that. And most importantly it doesn't make up for it gameplay wise.

Starting with the obvious that everyone's already said about this, the level design is really bad. People joke that sony playstation exclusive games are just movies you play sometimes; and that applies to forces' level design. Long gone are the days of sonic generations with it's countless pathways, and shortcuts. Instead there's only one path in most levels. Maybe if you're lucky there will be 1 or 2 shortcuts, but they quickly send you back to the main path. the worst part is that the out of the 3 characters, 2 of them (modern sonic and the avatar) handle like total garbage. Instead of having an acceleration like colors, generations and unleashed, where it was a smooth and consistent one, the characters are slow as snails for a bit and then they reach high speed in less than a second, it's insanity.

Classic sonic has it much better, though his physics are still FAR from perfect. He's basically like how he was in generations, with a worse spin dash, but he speeds up when going downhill; but sadly it doesn't feel nearly as natural as it does in the classic games and mania.

One thing about this game that isn't just painfully mediocre and is actually amazing is the soundtrack. I know some people dislike it because it's electronic/techno/drum and bass, but I personally LOVE it, and think it really fits sonic. The one black sheep in the great score though, are classic sonic's tracks, which despite in theory having good compositions, use this weird synth that sounds like sega genesis music does, but it's just off, causing his songs to feel kind of like from a sonic parody.

the reason why I played this is because sonic frontiers is releasing soon at the time of writing this review, and by all accounts it seems like the end of the "meta" era (the era of sonic games that began in colors that marked the start of multiple tropes, most important ones being constant use of nostalgia, a lesser focus on story and a more "self-aware" attitude, to please gamers that hated the sonic franchise during the 2000s), with what is by all accounts, an evolution of the 3D sonic. And forces is sure as hell an underwhelming finale. The game was made free on ps plus a while back, so if you ended up grabbing it there but haven't played it yet, don't care about plot and just want a mindless sonic something to play, then sure, go for it. But as a fan of this franchise, I just get disappointed thinking what could've been...

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Love wins! The leader phantom thieves is so in love with the mentally unstable prince detective, his wish in the dream world reality created by his therapist is to be with him again! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈

it took way too long for me to beat this and i hate myself for it because it's so FUCKING GOOD GRAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH

the combat is so incredibly tight and fine-tuned, the soundtrack kicks ass, it looks gorgeous, it's fucking incredible and i need more games like this

Forgot to log this. Anyways it’s great but god damn it ran like ass