A nice collection of games and well worth it for the amount of games it offers.

Just like the Walking Dead this one manages to be both interesting and fun at the same time as you uncover a murder mystery.

I didn't mind Javier but the questionable writing choices in its story and characters ended up bringing this down a bit.

Although it can't hold a candle to the first season(especially the latter episodes) it still remains a interesting adventure for those who want to know what happens to Clementine.

I may have put in too many hours into this game but the most interesting part of this game isn't just the story but how the world reacts to your choices.

The story in this game takes a backseat compared to other SMT games but I still had fun talking with demons on why they should join my party to rule the universe.

One of the more impressive games Rockstar has put out even if the game can drag at times.

I'm sure most people bought many copies of this game over the years. I've bought it 3 times on 3 different systems and never got bored with it.

What seems mundane turns out to be a interesting story about who is following you and what they don't want you to know as you explore the mountains in Firewatch.

The most definitive Dragon Quest game out there that both old and new fans can enjoy.