Don't make the mistake of playing this on keyboard like I did

On the final chapter, I made as much stupid decisions as possible but Ryoma was so overpowered that I won anyway

It's interesting seeing how Sega's franchises compare to Nintendo's back in the SNES VS Genesis era. Sonic was famously inspired by continuously running through the first level of Mario 1 faster and faster. Shining Force bares many similarities to Fire Emblem even if the former's creator has denied the comparison. The Ecco franchise is Sega's equivalent to the Kirby franchise because both have an obnoxious circlejerk of "Woah deep lore this game is so scary I can't believe it's rated E."

Insert unfunny joke about how Kirby is a Fire Emblem lord here

Childhood is trying to beat bosses the way the devs intended
Adulthood is beating them by spamming the thunderbird summon

Fuck your zodiac sign, which obscure DSiware shovelware game did you buy as a kid

What's with Genesis launch titles and being incredibly mid

This game might be kind of good

Bruh did they seriously turn the coolest Greek deity into a generic damsel in distress

The Yiik rip-off somehow got a sequel

Such a classic. Legitimately one of the few games I've played from start to finish within a single day.