I feel bad for Vergil, not because of the whole getting manipulated and eventually possessed because of your own hubris thing but because it must suck knowing that 99% of the people who choose to have you as a pfp on any social media site are annoying as fuck

Did you know? It's well documented that first lady Hillary Clinton was an avid player of the Game Boy during her husband's presidency. However, what isn't as well documented is how she loved the handheld system so much that she bought two of them to give to George Bush and Dick Cheney before their inauguration as a symbol of goodwill among the two parties. Bush and Cheney reportedly loved Metroid II in particular so much that the game's plot about the Galactic Federation making up some bullshit about dangerous weapons and sending Samus to SR388 was what inspired the invasion of Iraq in 2003.

Really loved this game but it's such a shame because I don't think there's any games out there inspired by it

This review was written before the game released


I can barely form a coherent thought about what I just finished but I feel weirdly seen by Final Fantasy VIII and its protagonist in particular as this understanding of specific feelings of capitalist alienation that I've been unable to articulate for the longest time. I don't have any official diagnosis and especially do not want people I barely know armchair diagnosing me online but Squall's struggles to process the most basic social interactions in terms of anything other than capitalist obligations like school or work, "shut up and get the job done" mentality, and specific jaded outlook are core parts of myself I never expected to see reflected in this fashion. While I narrowly prefer the basic bitch choices of VI and VII in terms of Final Fantasy games, this surreal response to the cultural zeitgeist of the latter game and weird as fuck (complimentary) use of Marxist theory (specifically the "annihilation of space by time" described in Grundrisse and expanded upon over a century later by David Harvey) in the same way that most RPGs use religious/mythological concepts solely because it sounds cool is a game that will no doubt have a special place in my heart from now on.

I was part of a focus group for the GameCube version of Super Paper Mario. The game was so bad that every other person who played it died painfully, causing Nintendo to delay the game and move it to the Wii so that the necessary fixes could be made. I am the sole survivor of the GameCube Super Paper Mario Massacre.

I was wondering why this game had a reputation for being way more brutal/grindy than it actually is but then I saw that the Starmen.net guide I was used recommended that you grind to a level where you one-shot enemies at a point where you're already safely two-shotting them and remembered that the average Nintendo fan can't be trusted to know shit about RPGs

It's actually exactly as much of a masterpiece as everyone says it is

Unlike soulless trite that exists merely for cheap thrills like Silent Hill 2, Garten of Banban is a truly meaningful and impactful horror experience. It is a clear commentary on how capitalism ruined education as an institution, turning it from something that existed for genuine development of the mind to something with the top priority of preparing children to be merely another cog in a machine of capitalism. The core contrast between the "wholesome" drawn depictions of the creatures and their real, more radical counterparts is a very clear reference to Lenin's The State and Revolution and the particular quote "attempts are made to convert [revolutionaries] into harmless icons, to canonize them, so to say, and to hallow their names to a certain extent for the 'consolation' of the oppressed classes and with the object of duping the latter, while at the same time robbing the revolutionary theory of its substance, blunting its revolutionary edge and vulgarizing it." While gamers will hail meaningless trash like Disco Elysium and Mother 3 as "masterpieces," the people who truly understand gaming's potential as a form of art will know that Garten of Banban is the true gold standard that games should strive towards.

Actually just kidding this game fucking sucks lmao

Obviously lives in the shadow of the highly impactful sequel that's a true masterpiece of the medium, Hunt Down The Freeman, but still a really good game on its own merits


The "My name is Ozymandius, king of kings" poem except replace being king of kings with being one of the biggest poster children of the then booming indie game market and replace the kingdom being reduced to just two pillars with the game's legacy being reduced to Soulja Boy jokes and Jonathan Blow constantly coming up with new ways to be a reactionary shithead

It's actually a common misconception that this is a video game because it's instead a list of bullet points on what your new personality is going to be.

I hereby issue an apology to every PS2 game I've played a half-assed rerelease of or lazily chose not to adjust the settings for on emulator because playing a game with visual direction this good on an actual PS2 was the sickest shit imaginable

I hope whoever started the trend of calling any RPG that's slightly weird "Earthbound inspired" regardless of how much it actually has to do with Earthbound is rotting in hell right now

This game feels like it was made to strawman a political ideology that doesn't even exist