The "phone bad" crowd should just give out free copies of Dead Rising cause Otis constantly calling you is more effective anti-phone propaganda than anything they've ever created

Rating this game the lowest score possible out of spite for Redditors

Dragon Ball: Revenge of King Piccolo is a game I will never play because if I did, I will know full well that humanity could never create anything that comes close to this true cinematic masterpiece

Makalov clears every other Fire Emblem character

Scott Cawthon?
More like any positive opinions I had about Scott were put in a Coffin after he gave money to homophobes
Gottem ggs

You've no doubt heard countless people say that the only thing they like about Overwatch at this point is the porn.

However, I heavily disagree with those people because I am asexual and as such, I don't even like the porn.

Rest in piss bozo

Rise of Skywalker if it was an Ace Attorney game

When I tried to order a pizza from here, the pizza man pulled out a gun and fatally killed me to death
0/10, wouldn't recommend

Mid. There is no other word for it. This is mid. It's embarassing.
Xenoblade 1 fans will claim that their cynical product is a "masterpiece" because of its character deaths yet these same fans will have the audacity to mock Justian Roiland's seminal work of art, High on Life for brilliant and original deconstruction of the video game genre by allowing players to kill a child, something that no video game has ever done before. To any Xenoblade 1 fan reading this, go back to watching MCU movies and eating McDonalds before ever daring to insult true works of art like High on Life ever again.

No plot twist in all of gaming will come close to today when I realized the shitty Sonic Flash game I played as a kid was an actual official game made by Sega and not some fan thing

Shoutouts to the Nuzlocke challenge for carrying mid games since 2010

I've said before on my channel that Danganronpa is a series that is uniquely bad in terms of its grosser aspects, to the point where I refuse to financially support it anymore. I still believe that.

However, every time I hear another dumbass Danganronpa fan spew bad faith criticisms about the one ending in the series that actually does something semi-interesting and says something semi-meaningful, I get closer and closer to thinking that the Yiik creator might have had a point when he said that gamers hate the idea of games actually being art.

Audiences loved E.T. for the Atari 2600
Critics put out the hit

This review was written before the game released

This game fucking sucked
Half-Life 3? More like Half-Life 3/10

Pac-Man is a truly nuanced commentary on capitalism. The objective of eating all the dots is a reference to the excessive consumption the system demands and the fact that the game never ends signifies how hollow this endless consumption really is. Not only that but the central conflict between Pac-Man and the ghosts represents the working class in-fighting that the bourgeoisie will orchestrate to distract us from our true enemy. Toru Iwatani could write Das Kapital but Karl Marx could never create the true anti-capitalist masterpiece that is Pac-Man.