I'm convinced that the secret reason the devs decided to make a Castlevania inspired game with a ton of LGBT characters was to make a Transylvania pun and you can't convince me otherwise

Santa deniers in shambles rn

Google claims to be "against misinformation" yet it has a game featuring a carnivorous animal eating apples. SAD!

One time, someone in the fighting game channel of one of the main Discord servers I use abbreviated this game's name as Skugs and one of the main mods found it so funny that he decided to change one of the mod bots to automatically give a one day ban to anyone who says the actual name instead of Skugs (His justification was that most people in the server only brought up the game to shit on it). What followed was a saga of people trying to use "Skugs" in every context possible and/or trick people into saying the cursed word, people getting banned for posting a link with the cursed word in it, and someone trying to use a loophole to get past the filter before a mod who had it out for him gave him a one day ban anyway. I only played this game for like 10 hours when I was like 15 and too stupid to realize that playing a fighter on a keyboard probably isn't the best idea but I have to give it my upmost thanks because of the immense joy and entertainment I have gotten from the Skugs Saga.

The difference between this and Celeste is that one is a masterpiece from 2018 that uses its cutting edge gameplay and presentation to tell a story about mental health that can only be told through the medium of video games and the other is Celeste.

She sweepin on my mine til I feel micro-soft INCORRECT BUZZER SOUND

Go into the Discord gif searcher and type FE15

The moment where you wonder how the hell you're supposed to dodge the Stage 2 boss's attacks and then realize you have a move that lets you fly across the screen at ridiculous speeds goes unbelievably hard

Making a 16 bit port of a game franchise that was specifically made to show off 3D technology is such a strange decision.

Sega looking at the mid beat 'em ups on the table

This series should have gotten axed

It's interesting seeing how despite being an early competitor of Fire Emblem, a lot of Shining Force's ideas would make their way into Fire Emblem, whether intentionally or not. For example, there's an easter egg where you can change two of the characters' map sprites to show them in bikinis which clearly predicted modern Fire Emblem's emphasis on pointless fanservice and pandering to people who unironically use the word "waifu."

Heartbreaking: The most mid beat 'em up you know has a genuinely creative art style

The true Sword of Vermilion experience is starting it and laughing at stuff like how clunky the battle system is and how the menu UI is so bad that walkthroughs of the game have to have entire sections explaining just how to navigate the menu before eventually the ironic enjoyment wears off and you're left there doing the same task of travelling from town to cave over and over again until the heat death of the universe. I think there's some genuinely good aspects like the presentation and worldbuilding being incredibly impressive for an RPG from 1989, the soundtrack going harder than it had any right to, and the numerous ways the game fucks with you in a charming way but at about four rings in, playing the same exact shitty boss fight a second time and ruminating on the repetitive nature of the game overall forced me to throw in the towel.

Actually, just kidding, Sword Peakmilion clears your favorite RPG and I give it a Sword of One Million out of ten.

Mori Calliope crossing over with golf is actually really fitting because both are enjoyed by racists