Where the fuck are Alvin's Quest and Theodore's Quest, Konami?

What does Capcom have against polar bears

EXTREMELY UNPOPULAR OPINION AND SCORCHING HOT TAKE ALERT: I think Chrono Trigger might be kind of a good game

If this is really the weakest of the series, then damn, I can't even imagine how good the other three are going to be.

Childhood is when you idolize Travis Touchdown
Adulthood is when you realize Jasper Batt Jr makes more sense

It is optimal to play Dracula X before Rondo of Blood because playing a version that's worse in every conceivable way will make you appreciate Rondo's design even more

Childhood is trying to beat bosses the way the devs intended
Adulthood is beating them by spamming the thunderbird summon

If you don't associate this game with a niche 2010s internet community, I don't want to associate with you

It's the game that everyone circlejerks over.

I'm now everyone.

Guys whatever you do, don't play the English version of Castlevania 3 instead of the Japanese version
Worst mistake of my life

Commando Man's stage can eat a dick

Playing this game right after Aria of Sorrow is like if a museum put the crayon doodles an artist made as a child next to their actual paintings

Imagine being Capcom and saying "Alright, it's been twelve years since we made Megaman 8, let's make a Megaman game that makes all eight of its predecessors look like jokes"