I will never forgive cringe culture for what it did to Undertale

Soma Cruz would totally listen to 100 Gecs

The only character in this game who's memorable in the slightest is the character whose primary personality trait is quoting unfunny memes while being voiced by an equally unfunny YouTuber and I sadly couldn't be bothered to get to the point where he joins

Instead of this, Game FrEAk should have made a DARK and MATURE game where you can KILL PEOPLE (like in my favorite rom hack: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FMnEcOoX0Accuwv?format=jpg&name=medium)

Look, I get that it's one of the most important games of all time but there's a reason that Capcom gave out the original version for free a couple months ago as opposed to any of the later versions that people would actually be willing to pay for

This game feels like it was made to strawman a political ideology that doesn't even exist

No offense to the creator cause this is an incredibly impressive endeavor by the standards of a 2011 fangame but the circlejerk of this standard platformer being so good it could pass as an official Mario game says more about official Mario games than it does about this game

The netcode sucks, the single player options are utterly barebones, my one attempt at trying to learn this game competitively only resulted in utter frustration at how bad the buffering system feels, and the obnoxious hype culture surrounding this game's speculation scene has resulted in some of the most agonizing discussions I've seen surrounding a video game but goddamn, the time I played this for hours with two friends while talking over Discord was one of the most magical experiences I've ever had playing a video game

The fact that the goofy orca DLC case is unironically better than any of the actual Dual Destinies cases is simultaneously the funniest thing ever and the saddest thing ever

The first ever MegaTen game I've played is Persona 4 Golden, a game with a bad story
The second ever MegaTen game I've played is SMT V, a game with a nonexistent story
We're making progress

Intelligent Systems spinning a roulette wheel to determine whether the next RD map will have a well crafted unique challenge and an interesting follow up to the story ideas presented in PoR or a boring slog rout map where the interesting story and themes are undercut

In the anime series Yu Yu Hakusho, there is an object called the Chapter Black which showcases all of humanity's misdeeds and is depicted as so horrifying that it causes anyone who watches it to show nothing but utter contempt for humanity.
The real world equivalent is a multiplayer game of New Super Mario Bros. Wii.

I cannot financially support this after one of the lead actors got caught saying Coolsville sucks
I'm sorry

The "phone bad" crowd should just give out free copies of Dead Rising cause Otis constantly calling you is more effective anti-phone propaganda than anything they've ever created

Rating this game the lowest score possible out of spite for Redditors