"You've wasted your time on yet Another Pokémon Game" is one of the rawest title drops in fiction

As a New Yorker, monkeys throwing barrels on construction sites is something that everyone in our state has to deal with and I can not forgive Nintendo and Miyamoto for trivializing such a serious issue

Quit at the fourth level because a controller issue made one of the puzzles effectively impossible to beat and I took that as a sign from god

The guy from SMT Nocturne has his own game now?
These MegaTen spin-offs are getting out of hand

Whoever decided to start off a platformer by combining dark lighting and screen crunch deserves to step on a lego

Fuck your zodiac sign, which obscure DSiware shovelware game did you buy as a kid

Self insert fanfiction based on an irrelevant fad but it went unbelievably hard as a kid

Any dipshit loser who complains about localization ruining modern games because of a single homophobic joke being cut or some shit like that should be forced to play the localizations of 8/16 bit games that made them way harder than they had any right to be

"Peter, which is better; vanilla FE6 or Project Ember?"
"Doesn't matter, Uncle Ben; Roy's Bizarre Adventure is better than both of 'em"

It's interesting seeing how Sega's franchises compare to Nintendo's back in the SNES VS Genesis era. Sonic was famously inspired by continuously running through the first level of Mario 1 faster and faster. Shining Force bares many similarities to Fire Emblem even if the former's creator has denied the comparison. The Ecco franchise is Sega's equivalent to the Kirby franchise because both have an obnoxious circlejerk of "Woah deep lore this game is so scary I can't believe it's rated E."

Idk there's some indescribable thing about how the Shinobi games play that I don't vibe with
It's not even like the games are badly designed or anything, it's just that something about the way Joe Musashi's controls feel doesn't click with me

This looks and plays like those fake games you'd see characters play in a TV show

Hey so you know how it's a common joke among people involved with the animation industry that when you make a spin-off version of your series where the characters are babies, that's when you've truly run out of ideas