The "My name is Ozymandius, king of kings" poem except replace being king of kings with being one of the biggest poster children of the then booming indie game market and replace the kingdom being reduced to just two pillars with the game's legacy being reduced to Soulja Boy jokes and Jonathan Blow constantly coming up with new ways to be a reactionary shithead

Only 3 hours long? Fucking bullshit, this game should have been arbitrarily bloated out to the point of tedium

It's a fun fighter that I enjoyed as a big fan of the anime it's based on but I think it could be improved by having a reference to the Chapter Black Saga where if you beat your opponent as Kurama, they die in real life

Lester the Unlikely is a strange game in the way that I can't exactly tell who it's supposed to be for. People who play games primarily for the power fantasies they provide (like the early 2010s game reviewers who helped this game go down in infamy) are going to get alienated by the fact that they have to play as a wimpy loser with awkward controls. And people looking for something deeper (don't know why they'd look here but whatever) are going to get alienated by the fact that it still is fundamentally a power fantasy. At the end of the day, Lester still defeats a bunch of pirates, gets the girl, and saves an indigenous tribe in a weirdly colonialist narrative.
So really, Lester the Unlikely is the same as the countless shitty SNES/Genesis platformers with awkward controls, bad level design, and screen crunch. The only difference is that this time, it's "ironic" in the most superficial way possible. All I'm saying is that if this game came out today, I could totally see Lester saying Whedonisms like "Well that just happened" or "That sounded better in my head."

(I was originally going to make a shitpost review about how this was the Citizen Kane of gaming but then I realized that writing a semi-serious review of this shit would be even funnier than any shitpost I could possibly make about it)

Highly recommend it if you have a masochism fetish

It's actually exactly as much of a masterpiece as everyone says it is

Unlike soulless trite that exists merely for cheap thrills like Silent Hill 2, Garten of Banban is a truly meaningful and impactful horror experience. It is a clear commentary on how capitalism ruined education as an institution, turning it from something that existed for genuine development of the mind to something with the top priority of preparing children to be merely another cog in a machine of capitalism. The core contrast between the "wholesome" drawn depictions of the creatures and their real, more radical counterparts is a very clear reference to Lenin's The State and Revolution and the particular quote "attempts are made to convert [revolutionaries] into harmless icons, to canonize them, so to say, and to hallow their names to a certain extent for the 'consolation' of the oppressed classes and with the object of duping the latter, while at the same time robbing the revolutionary theory of its substance, blunting its revolutionary edge and vulgarizing it." While gamers will hail meaningless trash like Disco Elysium and Mother 3 as "masterpieces," the people who truly understand gaming's potential as a form of art will know that Garten of Banban is the true gold standard that games should strive towards.

Actually just kidding this game fucking sucks lmao

Despite being called OneShot, this game has no combat at all and thus it is impossible to one-shot anything
Disgusted that blatant false advertising like this is just allowed to happen with no consequences

I feel bad for Vergil, not because of the whole getting manipulated and eventually possessed because of your own hubris thing but because it must suck knowing that 99% of the people who choose to have you as a pfp on any social media site are annoying as fuck

This game felt radically different from the original Mario, as if it was from a different series or something. Is there anything from the game's development history that explains why that is? If so, I don't think I've ever heard anyone talk about it.


Beating off was such an exquisite experience. I've wanted to beat off for quite some time now and I finally did it. I highly recommend beating off to anyone who would be interested.

There's an NPC who turns your overworld sprite into a fish and you can play the whole rest of the game with your sprite like that


Man, I just can't get enough of this soundtrack

I hope whoever started the trend of calling any RPG that's slightly weird "Earthbound inspired" regardless of how much it actually has to do with Earthbound is rotting in hell right now

Played the first world and thought it's not that bad but then 2-2 hit me with the most weirdly precise series of jumps in any game I've played