A near masterclass in designing a modern rpg. I can't lie and say that every single moment of my time with this game was good. The story has major fluctuations in its quality over the course of its 120 hours. But sitting here, writing this review in the odd hours of the morning just after the credits have finished rolling, I still can't help but feel as if finishing this game is a tearful goodbye, and that I'm going to go forward from here a different person than I was before.

The worst pokemon games of all time and the worst game I have ever played to completion in my life. I like the soundtrack and the elite 4 was cool (but I had to force feed my pokemon herbs to suppress affection and make it any degree of interesting) and there was occasionally a nice looking environment when my eyes weren't actively bleeding, so there's your half a star. What a complete joke.

For every step forward, there is a parallel step taken backwards, leading to a middling experience. I like this game, I enjoyed this game more than not, but only just. If we were still doing third versions, Pokemon Verdant or whatever it would be called would have the potential to be the best Pokemon game of all time-But in terms of the game we actually got, there needed to be a few more months of development time and more thought and consideration for certain design elements if it was ever going to be something approaching great.

Special stages and the final boss genuinely ruin this game. Outside of that, it's fine.

Beep boop, beep bop, gameboy noises, beep, oh I'm crying now. Beep boop.

A masterwork that cements Shovel Knights status as the defining indie game of the past 10 years.

This sure is a game that (kind of) exists!

More of a tech demo than anything else. Its short and passably fun, but way more trouble than its worth to play. I'd recommend just quickly beating it with a friend for a decent afternoon if it were on switch or something more accessible, but its not. Also, half the game is a tutorial.

Add in gay options and this game is literally perfect in my eyes-oh look, a gay options patch.

I got pretty far into this game, but never made it past the submarine level. I really respect the attempt to deliver a more fleshed out experience, truly I do, but instead all the additional content feels more like its getting in the way and tampering with the perfect simplicity of the original. Also, no Hideki Naganuma is an entire star removed on its own. It can't be understated how much his music carries the first game.

Perfect for what it is- the "& Knuckles" campaign to Shovel of Hope's Sonic 3, recontexualizing old levels with a new playable character and a new perspective.

Listen, I get it. Every common complaint and criticism of this game is pretty much correct, and I know that just because I have nostalgia for this game, that doesn't suddenly erase those issues.

But come ooonnnn, it still passes the bar for a good game. Did it mark the start of a rise in bad trends for the franchise? Yes, but it is still a perfectly good time on its own.

I just wish this was base game. It has content that really fleshes out the core experience, while also feeling kinda padded in the middle in order to justify your 20 dollar purchase. I still say its definitely worth your time.

It's just a good ass Zelda game, man.

It's peak!!!! The definitive way to play the definitive Genesis Sonic.

My little friend can follow me around and snuggles me when I talk to him, your argument is invalid.