The initials of this game is the grade I give it

I cannot think of another game that would fit as the definition of melancholy better than this.

I have yet to take acid but this is probably what the comedown after a trip feels like

It’s as fun as the originals but all the style and rough edges have been sanded off making this version have much less bite to it if that makes any sense. It’s still the Spyro trilogy so it’s good but it’s not capturing the original’s style, just copying the gameplay

Fun with friends
Boring with randoms

Core childhood memory for a kid who loves dinosaurs

Core memory for a kid who loves dinosaurs but better in every conceivable way

Really fun to play with a group of friends

Used to be fun but is filled with sweats now

One of my all time favorites, I can tell because I still replay it nearly every year in a weekend. Nothing beats the simplistic joy you get out of jamming to the soundtrack and playing as a little dragon guy.

Best tekken game, hands down

Was never really one for dark souls but this game is as close as I can get to that feeling. After so many times playing I only play on grandmaster and even though I die nearly every time it’s my own fault for not timing correctly or not paying attention. Whoever made the party sounds needs to get a promotion because I never get tired of hearing it.
Don’t really know what else to say about it other than it’s an ok story with some of my favorite combat, I know it’s my favorite because every year I get the itch to play it again

The euphoria this game forces you to feel is unmatched.
There is no game that consistently hits the highs this game does.

The power you feel when you start a counter hit combo hasn’t been replicated in any fighting game I’ve played

Cute puzzle game that you can beat in an afternoon, but what’s wrong with that