Logging just to say I am now wasting my life away playing it, what an absolute joy. Exactly what I needed after suffering through FIFA for pretty much all of my adolescence. Fuck yeah, gimme those spreadsheets, baby.

No better rush of adrenaline than seeing "KNOCKOUT!" Everything I look for in this medium is right here. Gorgeous, immersive worlds, a satisfying gameplay loop with interesting mechanics that you can customise to your own tastes, level design that is tough but fair. This is it, man. This is video games for me.

Game soft locked on me during the last "Think!" minigame, and truth be told, I don't think I'll ever go back to finish it due to how funny that is to me.

I gave up on this months ago but just going to cement it now. Waited 5 years to get a so called "good foundation for the future of Sonic games." Fuck off. Totally inept experience that lost me right after the first island. Haven't felt so miserable playing something since I decided to replay Sonic Forces. What an absolute state this franchise is in. One of the very few times where I just do not "get" the praise. What the fuck is up with those god awful Cyberspace levels? Lifeless. I will never finish this.

Can't compare to the OG but I do see this as a step down from RE2R regardless. Nothing even comes close to the terror and satisfaction of the RPD in the previous remake. But I still had fun with it, Nemesis is awesome despite how restricted he is to scripted chases, but the boss fights make up for it. Jill and Carlos, however made this for me; with lesser characterisation, I would have felt way more underwhelmed.

Took me 4 years to finish both Claire & Leon’s campaigns respectively (finished Leon’s in summer 2022), not just because I am bad at finishing video games, but I’m also a huge scaredy cat when it comes to the horror genre, especially games. Kind of ironic with Silent Hill 2 and RE4 being some of my favourite gaming experiences ever.

Anyway, this is fantastic, although I feel the sewer and lab sections kind of disappoint in atmosphere; the oppressive nature of the police station will always stick with me. Genuinely terrifying at points, a real sense of vulnerability with even one zombie posing a great threat. One of the most satisfying games to master, I feel. Maybe I’ll stop getting so anxious and no longer avoid these games for prolonged periods just because I’m a wuss.

I get the hype. It's tremendous fun with a robust creation system and community that constantly keeps this up to date, but the skill curve is astronomical. Hard to learn from the off, but to master? Patience is a virtue.

I do respect how committed it is to not overloading the gameplay experience with piss easy button inputs and prompts. With more of a focus on learning the animations to time counters. The mainline WWE games ask much less of the player due to a more streamlined control system with prompts that are as predictable as they come. So I do like the challenge that this offers, but you really got to be in it for the long hall to become even remotely capable at this game. The AI can beat your ass to the ground, seriously.

If you watch newLEGACYinc, you know this reaches its full potential, creating the most insane matchups (like their horror movie death match tournament) and watching the AI go to war. So a lot of my enjoyment comes from that. Being a fan of NJPW also helps, right now this is the only game where I can play as Zack Sabre Jr. in all his tekkers glory. So I will take what I can get.

Family bought a Wii again for Christmas. I am on a quest to become a Wii Golf God.

Overwhelmed and lost me when I started playing months ago. Came back to it recently, became absolutely immersed, finding it hard to put down until the credits rolled. Unmatched freedom in choice and just how detailed each skill tree, piece of dialogue, narrative thread and character, no matter how minor is. Continued to overwhelm me but in a way where I wanted to delve deeper and deeper, discover more about Martinaise, Revachol as a whole, my character’s history, and mostly not disappoint Kim. I love Kim. Gonna have to sit and unpack this fascinating, strangely emotional, esoteric journey for a long time.

This review was written before the game released

Simultaneously the biggest piece of shit I've ever played and the most fun I've had playing games online with my mates ever. Competitive is even more of a mess, can anyone explain how the system even works??? Presentation is the same, sometimes even worse in some areas. Its battle pass is actually a terrible idea, having new players suck it up and grind or pay for a new hero...
HOWEVER, Kiriko go brrrrrr fox mode and goofy ass in game chat moments have been in abundance for me. Love it.

Fuck you, Blizzard. But also fox mode fr

Redownloaded this on my telephone, turns out I was near the end of the game in like 2016 but never bothered to finish it. Final level is a seriously excellent challenge. Love the visuals and sound design, helped relax me for a bit.

Probably the saddest game I have ever played! It is the only one to make me legit cry...multiple times, that is. Playing it on the PS2 adds to the spooks with all the grainy goodness.

I'm obsessed with Twin Peaks, David Lynch in general, and most of the other influences that helped craft the hazy, atmospheric, practically cinematic qualities of the game, so obviously from the off I kind of knew that I was going to really love this. Although I did not expect to be so emotionally involved in the experience. Seriously stunning. It lives up to its major reputation. An all timer soundtrack by the amazing Akira Yamaoka which I listened to in parts even before I started playing the game really does seal the deal. Can't wait to try out the other Team Silent entries.

This reinvigorated my love for games quite a bit, honestly.

Not even lying when I say playing this game is a totally surreal experience. Fucking Lynchian shit, and it's not even the whole "every copy of SM64 is personalised" phenomenon (well, maybe it is). I truly find this game to be batshit weird aesthetically. It 100% has to do with how it's aged visually. Wet Dry World actually haunts my every waking moment.

This is genuinely one of my all time favourite games, though. Had a shit ton of fun playing the PC version during quarantine in 2020. But I just can't shake off "that" feeling whenever I jump back in. The Piano in Big Boo's Haunt is ripped straight out of the 1977 J-Horror Hausu. Maybe that association did something to my psyche. Freaky, freaky game, and it isn't even horror! Bowser looks funny. I like it when Mario goes "ahhh spaghetti, ahhhh raviloi." Enlightening.

god's greatest gift to mankind was this game's OST.