Story is cool but I cannot get into the combat at all. I hate dealing 0.5 damage per bullet and whacking the enemy over and over. Or worse - hacking.

Great game with amazing atmosphere and open level design. -1 for the flood and backtracking. Also bad checkpoints.

GOATed soundtrack.

Beautiful and highly polished. Upon getting platinum, realized it's pretty empty compared to the newer souls games (obviously) and needed to reset ps5 to avoid pulling my hair out and running all the way back to boss on NG+.

Story is great and love the interrogating/interviewing. Shooting and the open world I could do without.

Charming. Played far after it was popular, liked it.

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Basically reading a book. -1 for ending that was 3 hour long expo dump.

Starts slow but highs are higher than 1st one. Far too long overindulgent ending of course.

What you've come to expect. Gets better as it goes but very iffy on the ending.

Banger, most fun campaign, ending with the flood is a little annoying though

Banger, best halo story, arbiter is awesome. But way too many missions where you walk into a room and need to kill 3 waves of enemies to move on.