9 out of 10 doctors recommend DQ7 as a treatment for insomnia.

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Sazh is the most relatable character in the game because I also also wanted to blow my brains out while during this game.

Someone looked at the controls of Diddy’s rocket barrels and said ‘Yeah this is perfectly acceptable’.

It’s like a turn based RPG expect instead of waiting a few seconds for your turn you spend 10 minutes dealing scratch damage before you stagger the enemy and the game allows you to deal actual damage to the enemy for a few seconds before you get interrupted by a cutscene and have to repeat the process.

Despite what some people say, Fire Emblem Echoes is a faithful remake of Gaiden. This is because both Echoes and Gaiden managed to trick people into thinking they were good video games.


The best Golden Sun game is still a 2/5, which should give you an idea why Camelot is now regulated to making mediocre Mario sports games whenever Nintendo needs some extra cash.

Roughly 80% of this game is spent doing meaningless filler before heading to Atlantis, where we learn about the main objective of our heroes, some 20 hours after we already learned about the main objective of our heroes in the beginning parts of the game.

It’s almost impressive how these games manage to have 5x the amount of dialogue of other games and yet have absolutely none of it be interesting in any way.

I need you to understand that this game is so terrible that even those annoying oldschool Megaten fans that haven’t liked anything Atlus has made since the fucking PlayStation 2 think this game is garbage.

It might be hard to find any Fire Emblem or Shin Megami Tensei in this crossover, but FE and SMT fans haven’t liked any of their games for the past 15 years, so that’s probably for the best.

Recently I saw twitter users calling this game’s story a masterpiece, and that it was significantly better than 3Hs, and that is why I don’t think humanity deserves good media.

Even people who act like this game killed their grandmother can’t stop talking about it, so it(and maybe FE as a whole tbh) is kinda like a drug that slowly destroys your body, but it’s so addictive you can’t stop taking it.

We as a society are not ready for the conversation about how this is still better then like half of the other FE games.

Pretty good if you like the ‘game’ part of video games.