Main character seems like the kind of guy who would review games on backlogged.

Take a shot every time Citan is shown that he knows something that the rest of the party don’t know about.

Despite what some people say, Fire Emblem Echoes is a faithful remake of Gaiden. This is because both Echoes and Gaiden managed to trick people into thinking they were good video games.

If Engage didn’t exist, I would say that this entire game feels the most like the result of having an A.I generate a Fire Emblem story.

A group of senators are revealed to have exploited people’s religious faith in order to spread racism towards multiple groups and cause a genocide, which is something that would thankfully never happen in the real world.

“Guys I have a really awesome idea.” Kaga, about to commit a huge mistake after watching Gundam for the first time.

This game made me realize that Fire Emblem characters with huge flaws(racist, classist, have a crippling gambling addiction, etc.) are often considered the most ‘human’(not subhuman!) characters by the fandom, which is kinda depressing when you think about it.

Some fans will be happy to know that this game is full of references to Gaiden, such as how the maps turn into utter dogshit once we go to Valencia/Valm.

It’s strange how to they made the villains so cartoonishly evil, as everyone knows that sexual predators, plagiarists, mafia bosses, corrupt CEOs, immoral prosecutors, and tyrannical politicians don’t exist in real life.

It’s like a turn based RPG expect instead of waiting a few seconds for your turn you spend 10 minutes dealing scratch damage before you stagger the enemy and the game allows you to deal actual damage to the enemy for a few seconds before you get interrupted by a cutscene and have to repeat the process.

Not entirely sure what message Gamefreak would get from this, aside from ‘Sword and Shield would probably sell 50 million more copies if it was on PC.’

We as a society are not ready for the conversation about how this is still better then like half of the other FE games.

If you’re ever wanted to play the JRPG equivalent of white bread, then this is the game for you.

Kaga stans will be pleased to know that years after his departure, Intelligent Systems is still inspired by his ideas, adding plenty of scantily clad young girls and incest to their games. #KagaDidItFirst

The best Golden Sun game is still a 2/5, which should give you an idea why Camelot is now regulated to making mediocre Mario sports games whenever Nintendo needs some extra cash.