Modern Battlefront is a shadow of what once was

Stanley tells you to play this game

KH peaked here. One of the most enjoyable games I have ever played, and for a PS2 game it was way ahead of its time. A masterpiece.

Not quite as good as SoulSilver but Gen IV killed it, and Pokémon has never been as good since

Modern Warfare reboot ain't got shit on this

I need Tip of the Spear to be played at my funeral

The less you know about this game, the better. Just play it.

Game released in 2004 and is still better than 99% of shooters released today

KH peaked here. One of the most enjoyable games I have ever played, and for a PS2 game it was way ahead of its time. A masterpiece.

One game I NEED to go back to. I can't do New Vegas justice with a review, just play it.

Developed as shovelware, ended up being an essential Switch title. It's only a bunch of minigames but the majority are very good and the online is fantastic.

I sunk way too many hours into this game with friends, one of my favourite childhood games for sure.