I finally beat Mario 64 for the first time and did a BLJ on my first try

Good game

PokéRogue has so much potential, I haven’t been this hooked on a roguelite in quite a while now. The mechanics are so simple yet require a lot of strategy, as the game is centred mainly around XP gain above all else. Team building is not as important, as the game is willing to give you decent encounters after the first few areas.

It took me until hatching a legendary from an egg to beat this game but I’ve seen people with a lot of different strategies, and that’s what makes this game so great and even more promising as time goes on. The only gripes I have thus far is how often the game freezes and slows down on you, this is obviously due to server load. I’m not quite sure how they will fix this since I imagine as soon as they ask for any donations the whole thing will instantly get shut down.

I also think the start of the game is too luck dependent on whether you get XP items, and what your rival has at the start, the team follows a formula but the starter seems random between the fire, grass and water, independent of what you picked, and this can ruin runs for no reason.

I’m excited for the future of this, and hopefully it convinces Game Freak to make a similar game as I am no longer interested in the mainline games.

Half-Life has been on my agenda to beat for quite a while now, and I'm happy that I finally got around to beating Black Mesa. I could never beat the original but this is the definitive way to play the game. Really enjoyable experience throughout, but Xen is pretty crap once you hit the conveyer belts and the final boss was just okay. Loved the atmosphere though and now I can get around to Half-Life Alyx.

Shelving this for now, I really like it but I'm getting annoyed with some of the maps and how open they are. I prefer Doom 1's tight level design in terms of old boomer shooters but I can still appreciate this game is good even if it has a ton of bullshit.

You will see me launch this 20 times and you are gonna like it

Was this game worth the wait? Absolutely.
Is this game the masterpiece many will claim it is? No.

Rebirth is much improved on Remake in so many areas, the combat is quite a bit better, the music is great as usual, visually even in the “performance” mode this game looks amazing besides some textures along the lines of “the door” from Remake.

And a HUGE but:
The story outside of what was in the original fucking STINKS. None of it makes sense in the slightest and I’m not sure even Max Dood is going to be able to make sense of this one. The only positive to this is that we got a Yakuza 5-tier final boss sequence at the end (in both gameplay and story).

I’m probably also just mad that Vincent is here for a decent chunk and is not even used how Red XIII was in Remake. For what it’s worth I did like what they did with Cid to make up for him not being playable.

Still, a great game that was fun and extremely good for the majority besides certain story sections, and I hope now we get a Vincent game in the vein of Intermission to tide us over til the next game.

There’s no way they don’t call that one Final Fantasy VII Reunion, right?

Only just found out this game had an "Extra Game" mode, and that it is evil.

Decent game

People out there have beaten this game and I am genuinely astounded as to how, this shit is impossible

I'll give it props for inspiring Ys and Legend of Zelda but this is so shit to play

Didn't really need to play for long to get the gist of this. Not much to it, brainless automation game that is probably better played on a browser than buying it.

One of the most influential RPG's ever made. You can see how unique and charming the enemy designs are here even in an NES game. Enjoyable but you probably will need a guide, and the grind can get tedious. Back in the day this would've been mindblowing to play but with speedup and guides, the game is honestly not that long and only serves as a piece of history to experience.

This game is great apart from when I mistime one move and get carried to the wall for 80% of my health