506 Reviews liked by BorealPaella

my wife pia in live2d was all i needed for this to be goty
still the best girl of all time 14 years later

I honestly belive that Persona 5 is a curse for Atlus, in a way that no matter how much they try, they can't escape the Persona 5 narrative style and gameplay. I don't feel like it's their fault, but something they coercively have to do in order to please their new fans.

By the score you can already tell that i hate Reload, and no i don't hate it because i'm a Persona 5 hater or anything, i actually love Persona 5, i hate it because the Reload strips Persona 3 from every single thing that made me fall in love with it.

When i played Persona 3 FES i enjoyed the empty and grey city representing loneliness, isolation and sorrow through the protagonist eyes, how characters like Mitsuru were described like an Elegant, powerfull aura women and every time she entered the classrom to talk with the party everyone in the class looked at her, how the few NPCs interact with you in different ways acording to your social stats, the alternative sports Social Link, the different weapons the protagonist could use, not limiting yourself to a 1h sword, how tartarus felt like an opressive place with the thight hallways, the major silence and the omminus music playing, how some dungeons had i little puzzly thing like the motel, i liked the raw and violent animations of summoning your personas, i loved the fact that the most colorful place in the game was the dormitory representing a safe place to you and your friend, and above all, i loved how the party seems to like each other, seeing them always interacting and such, gave me a feeling of a group that trully enjoys each other presence and friendship in a multual way, different from P5, on that game the characters seems more of an Joker friend (or fan) than friends of each other, i enjoyed the Fatigue system, it's a good implementation on the thematic of balancing your relationships, study with the horrible part of fightin in tartarus, i liked the tatics system, even if it could be frustrating from time to time, it was not actually a problem since the game was balanced with that in mind, also, it gave the party a lot more personality and it was a good representation of the leadership from the protagonist, how the fallen apeared in a disturbed zombie like way scattered in every single place in the city... And most importantly my favorite thing from P3 Fes, was Aigis voice, man, i LOVED how Aigis voice subtly lost it's robotic effect every single time she presented an human behaviour, i still got chills just remembering the animation fight agains Thanatos, where her voice loses the robotic modifier and trembles while she says "i'm scared", and also, i don't understand the choice of having less animated scenes...

So.... Persona 3 Reload takes all of this away, i was sad when i finished P3R, because it has absolute nothing of the game i loved, P3R eliminates every single one of the mechanics and details i mentioned i detriment of a Persona 5 style of gameplay and narrative, Batton Pass is back and makes the game easy and boring, no weapons arsenal for the protagonist, the new summoning animations (yeah they are pretty) not having that violent and raw style animation is sad considering the game theme, the fact that you CAN'T play with the old tatics style because there are fewer options to order your party and the turn starter is choosen with the AG status in mind (so you can start a fight and see Junpei killing it self using a Physical skill on an enemy that reflects melee), the swiming club dosen't exist, Tartarus is an On foot version of the P5 version of Metaverse where your party is always making quirky no sense comentaries, talking about quirky and nonsensical, now every time a character has a emotion burst on the story they use a "critical animation" before anything is said, it's comically bad and annoying imo, the characters personalitys are not directly reflected in how they are presented in the scenes and the game, Aigis voice is normal from the beginning, the world is extremely colerful, full of people, the Fallen are now just faceless background npcs that most of the time can't even be seen, some character were basically rewriten, for example, Revolver Jesus is now some dumb fuck twitter right wing that makes stupid analogys with cars and act in a stupid nonsensical way, some of the characters got more screen time beacause atlus tried to over explain their action and in consequence you got a lot of dumb dialogues, like Junpei saying "forgetting everything is not so bad right? and 2 seconds latter saying "Yeah, i don't want to forget everything", the new scenes with Jin, Chidori and Tayaka just made the characters seem stupid and ripped off every single subjective interpretation that the player could have with this moraly grey (no not moraly grey anymore, just evil and dumb) characters, the new interactions with Ryoji, Pharos and the Chairman with the solely purpose of exposing what the characters are before the time is just infuriating, the new Aragaky sidequest has good intentions but it feels weird because, i mean, Arakagi acts with the protagonist in a better and more compreensive way than with their old friends... In fact, the new writing and narrative style of Persona 3 getting inspired by Persona 5 makes again, the party don't feel so friendly with each other, the characters now feel like an "Yes man" that it's statisfied with everything you do, a good example is that new interaction with Junpei where he says (You should make the choice man) regarding the Ryoji incident, the new boss dungeons are just straight forward boring corridors for the bosses, like, the monorail having no Enemies on the corridors, no enemies on the motel and Fukka giving the player the answer for the puzzle and the mirrors locations, the new tartarus sidequests of saving people are just boring, and the Monado doors and the clock are good QoL to mitigate part of the grinding, i enjoyed some new songs like "it's going down" but hated the remixes, what they did with Changin of Seassons is a fucking crime

It may seem like every single thing i said is "nitpicking" and even if they are, i can't help but feel disapointed with it, as i said, this were the things that made me fall in love with P3, the details, art style, feeling of the city all the things i mentioned and more are the reasons that a i enjoyed FES so much, and yeah, i'm frustrated, sad, disappointed that this things are not present in the remake, just so the "new version" could please the P5 Style fanbase (i don't even wanna mention the 30 bucks Persona 5 DLC pack)

With that said, you like P5 or don't care for any of the things i mentioned, Persona 3 Reload is a pretty well rounded game were the core story and meaning are still there (the performance is pretty weird on pc so be warned), it is in fact a good game, a shame that it is not the game i loved.

the P5 and it's consequences have been a disaster for the human race

Never played but obligated to give it a 10/10 because of how much enjoyment I get from joining a new MegaTen server, making a joke about how Persona 3 was the first Persona game, turning notifications on my phone, and then shoving it up my ass

I'm going to make you love me by throwing a single squid at you every day for a year and there's nothing you can do to stop me.

You'd expect an american visual novel would not make me feel the same way a japanese visual novel would make me feel but here we are.

100% the whole game because why the hell not, the anime on youtube was funny so let's try it on.

Now of COURSE, some jokes did lend, in general the game is of great quality and the acting is really fun to listen to.

BUT COME ON, in a game that's presented has a rejection sim, having to date my gym teacher to get one ending (my last one, and probably the worst one), really blows.

I had some laughs, but i have to say it, i would NOT recommend this. Unless you want to waste 3 hours on a game about the sexual harrasment of women, not written by a woman.

Can't BELIEVE i'm going to play the update.

Someone described this game as "White Girl Boondocks" which is actually very accurate.

This was some of the edgelordiest shit I have ever attempted to play.

Talking about Revue Starlight is not an easy task, it’s a game I’m a bit conflicted.
As a game it’s not good at all, the gameplay is not fun, it’s a very basic turn based gameplay, PVE is piss easy, and PVP is mostly determined by power creep, so there’s no real strategy during the fights.
The gameplay parts are also poorly implemented into the game since it’s removed from the main story, it has no relevance being there, it’s just a way to unlock the rest of the story. The only strength of the fights is actually to listen to the songs you want during the activation of the climax of your characters (you can choose the song of your choice, there’s more than 50 of them I think since there are the insert songs of the anime, of the stage plays, of Re Live).
These songs give bonus to your characters, but you don’t care on PVP since it’s so easy, you just choose the song you want.

The gacha aspect is also a very serious issue, it’s a game wanting to take all your money by showing you very beautiful artworks of the characters you want to have, but there’s no way to farm gems to roll, you have to spend money on it (something I refuse to do).

The live 2D sprites are very charming and expressive, all the main characters (and there are more than 30 of them including some of them who only appears during the events and school stories) are dubbed, and it’s a bliss since it makes the game really lively. But the direction of the scenes is very poor, there is very few CG during the main story (the rare ones are good but it’s not on par with a lot of the visual novels I played).
The music is beautiful but except the insert songs, their number is too low, and that’s a shame even if I like them a lot.

But even if all the flaws I wrote about, guess what ? I JUST DON’T GIVE A F***.

Why ? Simply because Revue Starlight without hesitation has my favorite video game story by far (and overall, I only like a bit more Utawarerumono Mask of Truth in weeb media).
I had some doubts before starting the game since it’s a gacha, I’ve never played one but I had a lot of stereotypes (a lot of them were true) about this genre of games, I thought the game was only a way to make the fans spend tons of money (it’s the case but not just that), but the game really has a lovely story, central characters all are well developped (and the majority of them are wonderfully developped), and all of them have a relevance to the thematics of the game.

It probably helps that Re Live was written by Tatsuto Higuchin, the main scenarist of the anime and the movie. Re Live perfectly respects the thematics built by the anime and the movie while being its own thing, thematics regarding the importance of evolve as a person, that everything has an end but that’s okay, it’s just how life is, and also to not cling on toxic habits you can develop with other people even if they like you (or if you like them) but can hurt us, preventing us to express what we really want to be.

Of course these are common and grounded thematics, but I love how the Revue Starlight franchise express it in a really metaphorical way (using japanese theater), offering them a context (the stage) to help them express what they really feel, to break the mask they can have in their life, while showing us how they can shine. So I can say I was delighted to see the game respecting the anime and the movie.

I also need to say that the main story of Re Live is taking place after the events of the anime, so you need to watch it before playing Re Live, and the last arc of the game also has some references to the movie (I don’t think it’s mandatory to watch it to read it, but it’s better for the overall experience regarding the interactions of two characters during the last arc).

But of course, if it was only that (handling thematics already dealt with), it would have been a bit redundant since the anime and the movie already had these themes, especially given the main story is taking place after the events of anime. So I was pleased to discover a lot of new characters, the main story expands very naturally the setting of Revue Starlight, there’s now 4 schools instead of just one (Seisho, Rinmeikan, Siegfeld and Frontier).

These 3 new schools all have a different situation compared to Seisho, and their goal is also different, it gives to all these schools a very varied tone while impacting the relations between the characters. The new cast is extremely endearing, I even think some of them are even better than the original cast. There very varied situations of the characters gives a new flair to the thematics of the anime and the movie, and the greatest strength of Re Live, it’s that all of them will have their moment to shine, I never saw (in a weeb medium at least) so many characters having their moment to shine (even if some characters are more important than others).

Some characters like Aruru of Frontier (my favorite character and I didn’t even like her at the begining), Akira (Siegfeld) or Tomoe are at least on par with the original cast of Starlight.
The original cast has less development than the new cast, but I really like how their past experiences help the other girls of the schools, they feel like mentors and you really feel how they evolved during the anime, it was lovely to see how past events helped them becoming better people, while helping others at the same time.

Another strength of the main story is that it takes more time to build the relations between the characters (without having the pacing of a slice of life visual novel, I would not say it’s a slow burn reading), I think it was something a bit missing with the anime since developing 9 characters with 12 episodes was not enough. Adding that, the fact that it’s a gacha with a updated content allow introducing event stories developing even more the characters using the stage plays they are in, since they often use their outlook of life to play the characters they are playing, and there are sometimes some parallels between their past and how it will influence the plays.

One flaw is that it makes the chronology of story events a bit confusing, sometimes it’s hard to know when an event story happened, even if these event stories are mostly a addition to make the characters even more flashed out and enjoyable, there are not a lot of references to these events in the main story.

But if I already really enjoyed the main story of Re Live, it’s the final arc (Arcana Arcadia, the last half of the main story), and it was phenomenal, it’s at least as good as the movie (and the movie is awesome to me).
Atcana Arcadia brillantly used everything built during the main story to offer an amazing pay-off regarding the characters, a lot of scenes were really emotionally resonant to me, it’s really during this arc that the build-up of the character and the plot came to fruition. The metaphorical aspect of Revue Starlight is very present (while being very clear, I think Re Live is overall more accessible than the anime and the movie), the concept of the arc is genius and make the characters really think about themselves.
This arc also warps up the story in a lovely way, the main story lands the ending perfectly, it has no flaws in my eyes and it’s a miracle since I’m someone very picky.
I would like to wrote more about Arcana Arcadia without spoiling, but the pay-off of the story is amazing, it gave me more emotions and fulfillment than any other games I’ve played.
The six insert songs used during this arc are all incredible (special mention to Yami o Terasu Mono, this song and the context broke my heart) even if it’s a shame that the game only used a small part of the song instead of playing the song in its entirety.
Arcana Arcadia makes of Revue Starlight Re Live a wonderful metaphorical journey where characters look out of themselves, are lost in what they are, are doubtful, but are also evolving and shining brightly, and it was so beautiful, nothing can give me so much vigor than Revue Starlight.

Of course there are some contrivances in the plotting, it’s nothing new, it’s Revue Starlight and it was already established in the anime, the main story sometimes ask the player a suspension of disbelief since sometimes the twists are like «just shut up, it’s magic ». But that’s also the beauty of Revue Starlight, everything can happen on stage.

Thanks Revue Starlight Re Live even if you are a sticky gacha. I was already a big fan of Revue Starlight but the gacha made me a fan even more, and I love it also for allowing other stage plays with the dubbers of the game, it’s a joy since I love the songs of the franchises, there are a lot of new songs inspired by the characters of the gacha.

Back in the 2000's there was a trend of making games dark and edgy. Give us all the bad boys... Give us all the darkness and black clothing and indulgently gory combat... Don't forget the nu metal! We revel in this stuff! Now for the crown jewel... add in extra misogy.... OH WAIT NO STOP STOP DON'T PUT THAT IN THERE!!!

First of all, I'm not sure if I can say I've actually "completed" the game. I rebuilt the community center, finished the mines and got to 100 on the skull cavern. I made some progress on Ginger Island but I didn't complete all of the golden walnut request things, nor the fossil, nor the vaguely racist frog's quest.

It's an alright game. There's lots of polish put into it, it streamlines a lot of farming game mechanics that feel slow in other games, it has a decent amount of content and it's very moddable. Pretty much all the problems I have with this game are personal preferences. Except fence decay, I think that's just stupid.

I think the streamlining of the mechanics works really well for most people, but it just made the game both too overwhelming and too slow for me. Since you can cram more activities in a single day, it's very easy to make a schedule for yourself that gets completely ruined if you don't optimize every single day. Or plant too much and then lack stamina for literally anything else.

I think farming games should be a little obtuse! There should be things in between you and the farm. Not too many things to the point where farming has no point (Harvestella), but having a story to follow or just some unique (non procedural) dungeons to go through make the whole experience more diverse. During the later parts of the game, it was pretty much just a numbers game. Ironic how even doing the community bundle instead of Joja makes you hyperfocus on productivity.

I'm not sure how much the game wants me to care about these characters. They're all interesting and have at least some backstory, but the way it's presented doesn't really click with me. Some of the writing feels... borderline tone deaf, such as the whole thing with George and treating his disability as a flaw. Shane is a dickhead for most of the game as well, I don't know how anyone can like him. Between Shane, Clint, Pierre and Lewis, a lot of people in this town are questionable and I simply don't feel like becoming friends with them at all.

There's the whole lore about the dwarves and shadow people war, the empire and republic war, the elves dying out, the literal wizard, and yet the game doesn't really tell you anything. It feels like it doesn't want to tell you anything. It feels like all these details were made to justify making flavor text more interesting, without making said lore interesting by itself.

But to be fair, that's sort of the point of the game. The community center - and the community as a whole - are broken and it's your job to fix it. But even then, it doesn't feel like anything you do is meaningful. Barely anyone visits the center when it's restored. Making a house for Pam to live in instead of her trailer has an emotional cutscene, but only really affects her schedule. Linus and the wizard continue to be somewhat ostracized no matter how much friendship you gather. What's the point? I'm simply a source of number go up for this town whether I'm serving Joja or a couple supernatural beings that use their tremendous power to... rebuild a community center no one really seems to truly care about. Robin certainly doesn't care enough to even consider repairing it herself.

I won't lie – I spent 100 hours on my single playthrough. Every addicting hook from the Harvest Moon series is nailed in this tribute, bringing out your inner capitalist and matchmaker. But to what end? Like its predecessors, Stardew Valley has nothing to say about your activity. It simply wants you to do more of it. I looked upon my barns, fields, and sheds, and thought, “Is this it?” That's right – I had a mid-life crisis in Stardew Valley, and it had no answers for my emptiness.


Clearing My Backlog #8

Plants vs. Zombies is a game that I’ve been playing on and off for the past 12 years, it’s been a huge part of my life, because it’s actually one of the three games that got me into this medium in the first place; and I’m so happy that it still holds up after all these years — unlike some of the other games I’ve revisited (I’m talking about you, Spider-Man 2). PvZ is filled to the brim with charm; whether it’s the simplistic, yet gorgeous art design, the catchy — and frankly beautiful OST, the varied and addicting gameplay, all of it just fucking works.

There’s so much freedom with how you can approach levels and all of the different modes, I’ve seen people play this game for hundreds of hours, which is a testament to how much variety it truly has. The survival levels in particular allow for a lot of experimentation with different builds, which I didn’t really bother with (past the achievements) because I’m content with leaving a game once I complete it, but it’s great that it has a lot of replay value for other people. My favourite mode was the minigames one; each level was so vastly different from the one before which forced me to reconsider my loadouts and to change my plants up — for which there are plenty of.

A lot of the issues with this game come in the form of technical and QoL stuff, which is to be expected because it’s an old game; but a big one is the lack of a 2x speed mode. Some levels happen to be pretty slow, so when you finish setting up all of your plants, you basically have to watch everything unfold for a while — without doing anything, which can get pretty boring, especially for your second adventure mode playthrough. I literally ended up installing cheat engine so that I could speed some of those levels up. It’s also a bit annoying how there aren’t any resolution settings, the fullscreen version looks like absolute shit, but then the windowed version gets minimized to a very small window, which is just hard to look at.

Overall though, Plants vs. Zombies manages to be an extremely satisfying and addicting tower defense game, with insane levels of variety, that oozes charm out of every aspect. So good.

Crazy Dave is an icon.

Playtime: 31.6 hours

Every Game I've Ever Played - Ranked (By Score)
Clearing My Backlog
2010 - Ranked


Exit the Gungeon is like the lite version of its predecessor, it removes everything that made the original unique, and waters every mechanic down to its simplest and most barebones form. All of the floors, guns, items, enemies, and bosses are less varied; which makes sense because this was apparently a mobile game that was made for Apple Arcade, that was eventually ported to PC. It’s just funny how I can happily play Enter for 90+ hours, but then get bored of this one when I've only put in 20 hours. There’s nothing here that has any longevity, you’ll play through everything the game has to offer in about 10 hours if you’re buying items/guns from vendors.

There’s still a lot of fun to be had with the bosses as they’re all mostly enjoyable and rewarding to master, except the Bolt Python… that mf can fuck right off. The new combo mechanic is hit or miss; I like how it rewards skill, but on the other hand, bosses can become annoying to fight if you happen to mess up once and then have to use the shittiest weapons known to man, it just makes me want to restart the run more than anything else. This is also made worse by how it can’t be turned off, so you’re essentially forced to use a bunch of bad weapons whether you want to or not (and no, turning on arsenal mode doesn’t help).

I have no idea why Dodge Roll even made this— instead of focusing on a better and bigger sequel to the first game, hopefully that’s still being worked on… because man, this ain’t it.

Some notes:
- The music is still great, but they haven’t exactly changed anything, or even added new tracks… I think? It’s honestly a bit hard to tell.
- I hate how long the exit animation takes to play when you complete a run, it’s frustrating to scroll past the same credits for the 20th time.

Playtime: 25.6 hours

Every Game I've Ever Played - Ranked (By Score)
2019 - Ranked