First play-through, 21/30 ship parts, bad ending :'(

Better step up my game on the second play-through.

пройшов Mario Galaxy. поки на 100 зірок зі 120 (UPD: 120 з 120, оновлений рейтинг - 10/10).

щодо оцінки: дуже хотілося б поставити 10/10, але занадто низька складність, більш лінійний, в порівнянні із Mario 64 та Sunshine левелдизайн та прості і короткі битви з босами стали тими єдиними недоліками, які поки не дозволили вважати гру абсолютно ідеальною та безкомпромісно кращим Mario у франшизі (з якими я поки встиг познайомитись). може згодом це зміниться.

У підсумку, думаю слова тут марні: як вже і казав, гра абсолютно казкова та обов'язкова до ознайомлення. Еталон платформерів, який вивів і без того лідера жанру на новий якісний рівень, не залишивши конкурентам жодного шансу. Абсолютно унікальний артефакт ігрової індустрії, який гарантовано подарує щирі, яскраві емоції і нагадає вам про ті золоті роки вашого дитинства, коли ви тільки відкривали для себе дивовижний та неосяжний світ відеоігор, кращі представники якого вражали вашу тендітну уяву безмежним креативом сміливих ідей.

First I was bummed that Nintendo didn't announce port of a whole trilogy on Switch. But now, playing this brilliant remaster, I do not agree on anything less than that. Even if sequels will be 70 bucks each - considering it looks as good as Prime 1 Remastered, give it to me and give it to me NOW!

P.S. First time playing, 76%, 18:02.

One of a few platformers of its time, which uses all the elements of presentation (like visuals, ui and music) in favour of providing maximum immersion and atmosphere, while remaining exceptional and pretty hardcore platformer with unique gameplay scenarios and level design.

The passion and talent of old Rare is in every small detail, and it's no wonder that after more than 25 years this game is still remembered, beloved and fascinates with its design, especially considering technical limitations of the SNES.

And yes, "Aquatic Ambience" is so much vibe!

Essential Zelda experience in the palm of your hand with welcomed focus on puzzles and creative usage of enormous array of items.

40 minutes of classic Kirby gameplay but with no copy abilities introduced yet. Still cute and worth it for getting familiar with a game that "started it all", although in its most barebones state.

Completed my first Kirby, Kirby's Adventure. To say I'm surprised is an understatement. All the way, they managed to surprise me with some absurd amount of abilities, a variety of level design, which uses both horizontal and vertical directions to its fullest. Cool bosses, the patterns of which you really need to study before you fight effectively (it's like dark souls at mins). An incredible amount of animations for a game on the NES, in particular main character, who in response to almost every action of yours has some kind of cute reaction, not to mention the unique, funny cut scenes at the beginning of each of the levels, which, again, I don’t recall in any NES game I know.

Finally, the main distinguishing feature of the game: abilities, which counts, attention, 24 (!). And a significant part of them has unique animations and effects. I have no idea how they managed to fit all this on a NES cartridge, but they damn well did it. Turns out Sakurai was great long before Smash.

P.s. Oh yeah, the pre-final and final bosses and the ending in general are just an absolute blast. Again, I repeat, I did not expect this from the NES game, and the authors clearly tried to finish this adventure by squeezing everything possible out of the console and demonstrating a truly amazing sight. Bravo