I'm actually very happy this came back. I had alot of fun with it back in 2022 and it's honestly better than before. Bugs Bunny is the best character no debate.


I originally played this on release and didn't think it was terrible. I originally thought it was like a 7/10. But now thinking back on it, it's definitely not a 7. Very overhated? Yes. But still pretty bad. Still a pretty fun looter shooter nonetheless. King Shark and The Flash carried Icl.


Just got the platinum for this so I thought I'd make an updated review. Originally I had this at a 2.5 but I'm gonna move it up to a high 3.0 because It's alot better with friends, and overall I enjoy the game more now. The platinum itself can mostly be gained passively by just playing the game. The only annoying part was doing the offline championship tournament because it was just so easy it was mind numbing. I did put it on the easiest difficulty just so I could get the trophies so that's probably why it was so boring. I still can't get good at this game even if my life depended on it lmao.


Pretty fun so far, It just came to PS5 so I've been able to play it. A blast with friends! The art style is super cool too.


Awesome game. I'd really like to pick this back up eventually but as of right now I'm shelving it.


This was fun. The gameplay was great and story was good. It does get repetitive fighting the same hit spongey enemies over and over again, though. I was a bit disappointed with the co-op. I thought it would be free roam, so me and a couple friends were quite disappointed when we figured out it was missions only. Now to be fair, we should have looked into it more before hand. Luckily the co-op was still fun. The game is severly overhated from what ive seen. For me its almost an 8/10. Unfortunately it isn't beating Sekiro or Ghost of Tsushima, but still worth atleast trying out.


Great beat em up had a blast playing through this 3 times with a friend of mine. I liked Donnie and Usagi the most out of the bunch. The platinum grind is annoying and I'm currently still working on it but I'll get it eventually lol


This is probably the most fun I've had playing a game in a while. This game is great, It's so fun with friends or with randoms. It's so cinematic Protecting the extract point while swarms of enemies just barrage you. I love this game and I think everyone should try it.


It's decent, the bosses weren't that good though in my opinion. Hopefully they improve in City.


Fantastic Souls like. Like Fromsoft levels of good. Very fun and expansive combat and the world was incredibly well made. I loved blade and handle being interchangeable on you're weapon. It lead to tons of unique weapon combinations you could do. The difficulty was annoying at times, and I feel that the parry window should've been a little bigger. Highly recommend this game.


One of the best platformers I've ever played. The story was really great and I loved the art style and bright colors. The soundtrack for each level was near perfect and it was such a rewarding experience beating a screen you were on for a long period of time. The B and C sides were brutal but still fun to play, and the controls were so fluid and when I died I never felt like it was the games fault but rather a miscalculation I made. I highly recommend Celeste to anyone who enjoys hard platformers. Even if a hard platformer isn't you're thing, there's a built in assist mode you can use to make it easier for you.


Such an awesome DLC. Stacked boss line up with beautiful areas. I especially loved Gaels arena and his fight is in my top 5 of all the FromSoft fights. The soundtrack was absolutely masterful. Wish the city was more explorable but that is just a small complaint.


Pretty good DLC. Sister Friede was a great fight.


Incredible experience. I loved the peaceful, serene soundtrack and the art style was really colorful and the story was really intriguing. Kind of reminded me of Road 96 in terms of the art style and how you can shape the way the story goes. The ending twist was great aswell.


Super unique platformer. I loved the small jabs the AI would throw at you if you changed the difficulty or died a certain amount of times on a level, It felt like the AI was actually observing me as I played.
