I didn't think much of it at first, but replaying or finishing sub stories and side content was a very enjoyable.

I like the art direction and just how vibrant the levels are in 4 especially in contrast to dmc5 where the levels feel like they are only differentiated by bosses.

taking the time to emulate the game even after finishing the kiwami remake was worth the trouble, and overall made the story of the original more memorable due to the nature of the dub, and how well the atmosphere was made, the people feel like inhabitants of Kamurocho, as well as rain daylight and night each giving a different feel.

first souls like I played! and really one of the first games I played on the Xbox, when it came out. now I've replayed it and it still feels amazing to play.

I have played through the entire yakuza series up to this point but I haven't gotten the spark 0 & 5 lit up as before it may just be series burnout, since my only big complaint is the punches and attacks feel flaccid.

I played and replayed for hours and set my eyes on 100% the achievements but the goal was abandoned.

dmc1 & 3 became my favorite of the devil may cry games after playing through the trilogy.

yes I played the second game.

this is the first game I got for PC, which was incidentally my shitty school laptop.

I am so happy that I spent the time to emulate this version of Persona 3, can't wait for reload!

I can now say goodbye to the outside world! ^w^