Heard this game had a cult following and being the collectathon enjoyer I am, I really wanted to check it out. Once I finally played it, I was fairly disappointed. The characters feel slow and the game just isn't as enjoyable as other games in the genre. I may not be the biggest SpongeBob fan but I really wanted to enjoy this game and found myself not liking it as much as I thought I would. Not the worst game I've played and I got some enjoyment but unless you're a big fan of the show and like platformers, I can't recommend this one.

Fun excuse to go out and exercise. I've made a handful of memories playing this game and have had plenty of fun experiences during events or just regularly playing the game. It's the closest thing to being able to go out and actually catch Pokémon if they actually existed. I'd give it a higher rating, but Niantic is pretty bad at managing this game and make plenty of greedy, questionable decisions.

There is a special place in Hell for the genius who made the rocket sled portions of the game.

The best version of the game regarded as one of the best games of all-time. The enhanced graphics bring more life in the games visuals and make it more beautiful. The 3d is also pretty impressive in this game too. It also adds Master Quest from the GameCube version that adds more longevity to the game and a good challenge and a boss challenge mode for those who might want to fight the bosses again. Not only was this the 3ds's first killer app, but also the definitive version of a fantastic game that anybody who has ever touched a controller should play.

Fun shooter with fantastic dialogue, funny characters, and a great ending that feels like a sendoff to the franchise. It even has a difficulty slider for noobs such as myself. Moving the camera is a bit cumbersome but is only a small detraction from the overall experience. It is a game that would greatly benefit from a remaster but If you have a 3ds I still strongly recommend it.

An excellent first title to a fantastic game series. Combat is a bit more simple compared to future DMC titles but this game is a good predecessor to those, has a pretty fair level of difficulty, and has a unique charm of its own that later games in the series were never able to recapture. Some bosses can be annoying. Nightmare can go to Hell.

An absolute classic and one of my all-time favorites. This rerelease fixes the one gripe I had with this game being the Jinjos and notes resetting each time you die. In terms of collectathons, this is the best possible entry point into the genre. The game has a lot of charm. There are a handful of funny jokes and characters, the platforming is fun, and it is an easy, relatively short game.

Basically MGSV: Ground Zeroes for KH3 but not as absurdly priced as it is in a collection with DDD & and a movie for Chi. It's not bad but Aqua isn't as fun to play in this as she is in BBS or even in KH3 even if you only play as her for 2 minutes. Honestly, this should have been kept in KH3. It most likely would have been more refined and smooth to play if it was kept and I didn't mind the prologues in the other mainline KH games.

One of my favorite platformers alongside Banjo-Kazooie & the Mario Galaxy games. However, I don't think it's as good as the aforementioned games. While the game still has its funny moments, some of the game's humor has not aged well and there are parts where the controls flat-out suck. That being said, it still is a solid platformer loaded with references to famous movies and a surprisingly good message at the end. Finding an original copy of this game can be hard to come by so if you're interested in playing it then I would either pick up the Rare Replay collection or emulate it.

I have no idea how I beat this on a freaking Ipod touch as a kid.

The best pack-in game you could ever ask for. Each sport does a fantastic job at utilizing the Wii's motion controls and it is just a blast to play this with friends. I will never forget all the memories I've had playing this game with family and friends. The mii customization also enhances the experience as you could make Miis of pretty much anything which can definitely lead to some goofy shenanigans. To sum it up, Wii Sports is a must-have assuming it didn't already come with your Wii.

Absolutely GOATed game if you enjoy messing around in a sandbox world wreaking havoc as a goat.

This game actually has some personal significance to me as my grandmother got this for me a long time ago at an FYE after I begged for her to buy me this back when I was obsessed with racing games. Ultimately she made the right choice as this is easily one of the best racing games on the GBA and I still have this relic to remember her by. Sentimental value aside, there are a lot of positives I can say about Konami Krazy Racers.

For starters, most if not all the characters feel unique to play as since they all have different speed and handling which gives me a lot of options to choose from judging by play style. One advantage this game has over Mario Kart is that there are a few extra characters you can unlock that not only play differently but also are pretty cool. I always used Bear Tank from that one Konami N64 fighting game since he was the fastest racer in the game. It also has a time attack mode and some really fun battle modes that I enjoyed playing against NPCs on. The soundtrack slaps as well and the main song samples Omega Rugal's theme from KoF 98 which I found to be a pretty cool discovery. However, this game isn't perfect and I will go over the main gripe I have with it as well.

The track variety is pretty bad, one thing I will give Mario Kart: Super Circuit credit for over this is that nearly each track in that game is different and unique as opposed to the three Castlevania, Ganbare Goemon, and Metal Gear tracks that all these franchises have in the game with the same background and theme to them with the only difference being the track layout. Not only is it just a lack of variety but can also lead to the game getting a little more repetitive as it feels like you're just racing on the same tracks but just harder versions of them. That being said it's still a great GBA game to get, especially if you like kart racers and want to play something other than Mario Kart.

My favorite Smash game that adds every character and nearly every stage and more. It improves upon the gameplay of Smash 4 by once again speeding up the game a little. The new roster additions were pretty good and by the end of the DLC passes, I got both of the characters I wanted and more. While it does have more single-player content than Smash 4, World of Light isn't quite on the same level as Subspace Emissary. They also replaced trophies in this game with spirits which I'm slightly peeved about but can understand why they make the choice to get rid of them. While I haven't gotten them all, spirit collecting is still a fun challenge. Like pretty much any other Smash game, its best when played with friends. I have spent many hours playing with friends or other people online or at other places. The biggest gripe I have ironically enough is the online. When the connection isn't perfect, playing the game online is absolutely miserable. However, when I don't have connection issues its quite fun. Out of all the other games on the Switch, this one is easily my favorite and the best possible conclusion to Smash (for now).