An excellent compilation that has every single Halo game before 5. I previously had only played Reach's multiplayer and a very small amount of Halo 4's multiplayer, so having every game on one platform and for a cheap price is pretty convenient. My favorites were 3 & Reach but I had with all the Halo games. Reach and ODST are DLC though, but they aren't too expensive. The Multiplayer was supposedly fixed and from the few times I've tried it out, it works pretty well and does a good job of replicating the experience I had with Reach's multiplayer. If you have an Xbox One or Series X then you need to play this.

The card system is pretty fun, the game has a pretty good story, and my favorite villain in the series, but it definitely is not for everyone. Sleights are absolutely busted when you have a good deck.

Octopath Traveler is a surprisingly good game. It's mechanics have depth and are interesting, the characters stories were actually compelling enough to where I actually cared for their goals, soundtrack is great, and it has the right amount of difficulty. Only flaws are that some areas and the mini dungeons are copy pastes and that the final boss for whatever reason is completely optional. Its stupidly hard but it is worth beating. Overall, it's underrated and one of the best RPGs I've played.

The jumping is awful but the game itself is a fun timewaster with some challenge. Despite my enjoyment of this game, I will say that it does not have the staying power for me to go through all 30+ mountains in one sitting.

Update: I finally got around to beating all 32 levels in one sitting. It does start to get tiresome toward the end but it is still enjoyable to play through.

While I do think this game is a bit overhated by Rare fans, I personally wasn't too fond of it. It doesn't fit Banjo-Kazooie at all and even though I did get some enjoyment out of building vehicles in this game, I wouldn't exactly call it my cup of tea either. It doesn't help that the worlds are even more bloated than Tooie and also quite lifeless. Even with those issues in mind, there were at least some neat throwbacks and fun moments sprinkled in and exploring Showdown Town was cool and one of the best parts of the game. Showdown Town is the best hubworld in the series and world in the game except for Banjoland. The final boss is a total joke and a disappointment compared to the first game and Tooie. In conclusion, its an interesting concept but the whole vehicle aspect of the game is something that I didn't care for and it doesn't fit Banjo-Kazooie at all. Nuts & Bolts should have been a Lego title or a brand new ip. If Rare & Microsoft ever decide to revive this series, I suggest they do remasters of the first two in the same approach Activision took with the Crash Bandicoot N-Sane Trilogy or hand the series over to a competent studio that can make a new game that is similar to the originals and has the potential to live up to the legacy they left behind.

Easily one of the laziest titles Nintendo has ever released. It's pretty much New Super Mario Bros Wii but with nostalgia bait like the dino minibosses in Mario World and the Raccoon Leaf. It technically isn't a bad game, but there is so much more than Nintendo could have done with this instead of just lazily rehashing the Wii game.

I do not own this collection since I have already bought KH3 and the previous compilations, but for those who are interested in playing this series, the price for this compilation is an absolute steal. All the games are fantastic and should be experienced by anyone who considers themself a gamer.

While I personally think the original game is better, this is a solid remake. The new balloon-popping minigame makes good use of the stylus and is surprisingly good. The game also uses the stylus as a way of getting that head start boost at the beginning of each race. While it is certainly a creative way of utilizing the stylus, it can be a minor annoyance at times. While it sucks Banjo & Conker couldn't come back due to legal reasons, Dixie & Tiny aren't terrible replacements and the extra characters this remake adds do make up for it. The ability to create your own tracks is an impressive feature other racing games should but haven't utilized. The custom track designs are a bit bland and probably could have been better, but its still impressive that they were able to pull it off. The last addition are the new tracks. While I certainly can appreciate that they took the time to add them, they're a bit bland and not nearly as memorable as the tracks in the original. I don't like it as much as the N64 version but I'd be lying if I said that they didn't put any care into this remake. It is a great way for those who didn't originally get the chance to play the original to experience this classic.

A unique horror game series that deserves its popularity. The main horror aspect of FNAF is frantically watching the cameras and doors to make sure you don't get greeted by Chuck E Cheese's long-lost siblings. The first couple of nights are pretty easy, but by the final night its pretty much what I just described. All I can say is I really wish I played this sooner.

Besides a few small QoL improvements and very beautiful visuals, there isn't much to write home about this remake. The censorship and added enemies are absolutely pointless and they remove a part in the war chapter that honestly did not need to be taken out of the game. All of these critisisms and the fact this remake came out less than 5 years after the original release detract from the remake. Characters sound more soulless than they did in the original game too. Given the multiplayer servers are dead, I cannot properly compare it between the N64 version's multiplayer but this version's multiplayer may actually be better in my opinion based on what I have seen. Unless you've played the original and are curious to try this remake (I was for the longest time), I suggest playing the original game instead whether it is through Rare Replay or emulated.

The first game in a series that would become a massive hit for Nintendo. While it doesn't have a bunch of content, its a good amount for a series that Nintendo was skeptical about. Even with only 12 characters and 9 stages there is still a lot of fun to be had with playing this game whether it be with CPUs or messing around with friends.


A unique and enjoyable take on fighting games with a boatload of potential. However, there is not nearly enough content to justify the $60 this game is worth. If you can get this game at a reasonable price then you definitely should, but if not then wait for a price drop or a sequel that adds more content.

A good remaster of a Ps2 classic that's a fun, goofy title. It's a bit short but I had fun rolling up everything around me. The soundtrack is also really good, I still listen to a handful of the songs from this game. The final level is also pretty epic. Namco made a good choice remastering this.

The most overrated kart racer of all time award goes to this game. The only plus is it has my favorite version of Bowser's Castle and a handful of other cool tracks. Play Crash Team Racing instead