23 Reviews liked by BrunoKNG

A game with an interesting concept that gets more boring the more you play it. It also has one of the most terribly designed areas I've ever seen in a game.

The story starts out nicely but after a couple hours it became very uninteresting. I didn't care for most of the characters too.

Visually it's pretty nice, the locations are detailed and so are the enemies, characters and bosses.

The gameplay is a mixed bag, it has interesting elements like changing your blood code which alters your stats and some abilities, but the combat itself feels weird. I remember Bloodborne and Dark Souls 3 playing way better and they're older games.

The soundtrack is really good! Lots of nice tracks here.

Overall, imo it's a very mediocre game. If the gameplay felt better I'd have enjoyed this more but after a while the combat also started getting boring aside from the boss battles.

eu to cansada de mundo aberto checklist.

Conheço pouco de Alone in the Dark, os únicos que joguei foram o The New Nightmare no PS1 (era moleque e não entendi nada) e depois o Alone in the Dark 2008 no PS2. Mas fiquei interessado nesse por ser uma reimaginação do clássico, que preciso jogar, e pelo elenco dele. Ainda mais que tem a Jodie Comer, que é uma das minhas atrizes favoritas.

Quando o game lançou muita gente caiu em cima, falou que era uma bomba e vários outras críticas pesadas. Fiquei com um pé atrás, já que tava empolgado e nas críticas foi um banho de água fria. Mas tive a oportunidade de experimentar e fui de mente aberta e sem expectativas. Fiquei surpreso, o game não é uma maravilha mas tá longe de ser a bomba que falaram.

Alone in the Dark te dá a opção de jogar com a Emily Hartwood (Jodie Comer) ou com o detetive Edward Carnby (David Harbour), apesar de as histórias serem, essencialmente, as mesmas, diversos pontos mudam de um personagem pro outro e a narrativa de ambos tem tons um pouco mais diferentes ao meu ver. Eu acho a narrativa da Emily bem mais sombria do que a do Edward, mas a dele também rende momentos extremamente pesados também. Os plot twists de cada campanha são muito bem feitos.

O game tem uma pegada survival horror bem clássico, naquele leva e traz de itens, exploração, recursos escassos e vários cenários oníricos tenebrosos. O game também sabe muito bem trabalhar o horror psicológico. Cada coletável que tu encontra te ajuda a descobrir um pouco mais da história e também a desbloquear finais secretos. Dois dos finais secretos são extremamente pessimistas e acho que combinam com a atmosfera do game. O outro é um "final feliz" que não se explica muito bem como rolou e porque. E o final principal, que é o mesmo pros dois, também é satisfatório e termina em um tom mais neutro. Apesar de nem sempre ter trilha sonora, os poucos momentos que tem ela é maravilhosa. A trilha que rola durante confronto com inimigos ou situação tensas te deixam aflito. Em outros momentos o game toca um smooth jazz delicioso que combina perfeitamente com o jogo. E a trilha do boss final é épica, dramática e empolgante, de longe a melhor faixa do game.

Dentro dos defeitos, que eu poderia citar, é o fato da campanha ser MUITO curta. Tão curta que durante a Platina eu precisei fazer um troféu de terminar a campanha em até 3 horas. E sim, dá. Não só dá, como tu só ultrapassa esse tempo se enrolar muito. Minha primeira gameplay foi com a Emily e por precisar ir atrás de todos os coletáveis, aprender os puzzles, descobrir os locais onde devia ir, acabei fazendo em pouco mais de 8 horas (que já é curto). Na segunda, com o Edward, como eu precisava só pegar coletáveis e conversas específicos dele (cada campanha tem momentos e coletáveis exclusivos), por pausar em alguns momentos e acabar enrolando um pouco em outros, acabei terminando em 2h46. Teria sido menos se eu não tivesse dado pausa pra olhar o guia de coletáveis ou ir pegar uma água.

O game tem um arsenal bem enxuto de armas: pistola, shotgun, uma metralhadora e um sinalizador. Além de diversas armas brancas, como pá, picareta, marreta, furador de gelo e por aí vai. Os gráficos não são de nova geração, mas são bem bonitos e competentes. Os personagens são iguais às suas contrapartes na vida real e aquelas alucinações em barcos abandonados, cidades desertas e outros locais são bem bonitas e instigantes. Mas nada me tira a impressão de que esse game poderia ter saído pro PS4 tranquilamente.

A hitbox do game também é um pouco quebrada, teve vezes que eu atirei a queima roupa em inimigos e não acertou. E a resistência deles também oscila muito, em momentos eles morriam com um tiro de shotgun, em outros precisava de dois ou mais, tudo isso é bem quebradinho. Não peguei nenhum glitch, troféu ou coletável bugado como alertaram. Talvez tenham corrigido. A câmera também dá umas atrapalhadas as vezes, algumas vezes eu morri porque algum inimigo me atacava e a câmera do nada dava um zoom e focava em alguma parede. Isso me tirava a visão do meu personagem e dava abertura pra eu morrer até ajeitar ela. Eu achei a movimentação meio robótica e algumas ações meio datadas. E, apesar de gostar dos atores, senti que as interpretações deles foram bem fracas, não tem muita emoção em momentos que pediam por isso. Se tivesse uma dublagem em PT-BR tenho quase certeza que isso passaria despercebido.

Todas essas questões que apontei, porém, não foram coisas que atrapalharam minha experiência. São problemas que existem e estão lá, mas só vão comprometer tua experiência se tu for chato pra caralho extremamente exigente. Alone in the Dark é um game competente, mas que poderia ter sido muito mais do que foi. Poderia ter tido uma campanha mais trabalhada, com um desenvolvimento melhor do vilão e de todos os acontecimentos que envolvem a mansão Derceto. É um quebra galho pra quem tá órfão de um survival horror numa pegada mais Resident Evil clássico. Vai te divertir, mas não é um game que tu precisa obrigatoriamente jogar. Dá pra esperar uma promoçãozinha. Aí sim, só ir que vai render uma jogatina bacana.

Bloodborne is a bit overrated but honestly all the praise it gets is warranted. Not my favorite game Fromsoftware has put out, but I cannot deny the quality and level of detail this game puts out. The story is intricate, the level design is tight, and the boss fights are some of the best in the series. The atmosphere is also through the roof, oozing DNA from lovecraftian tales. Great game.

Some of the best bosses in the series, but goddamn are they a bitch (Ludwig and ESPECIALLY KOS). If you like the base game, this DLC will kick your ass while also delivering spectacular level design and boss fights.

The first God of War game was the only one I had not played until now. I think it has overall aged fine, there's some frustrating camera angles, enemies and level design, specially during the last hour.
The way the story is told wasn't that interesting to me but since I already knew pretty much the entire plot I guess that's on me.
Gameplay wise the core is very similar to what I remember of GoW 2/3 and the psp games, I was surprised by that! I though there would be fewer powers and just one weapon, for example.
Graphically it looks okay. some cutscenes look worse than the gameplay (something insane to even think about nowadays lmao), there's some also some visually appealing sceneries here! I can imagine how good a remake of this one and 2 would look (hopefully they're more of a visual remake although I hope the gameplay is a bit improved).
The puzzles were nice, some were a bit boring, but overall they're fine.
The soundtrack was nice!
The voice acting is also good although some lines sounded almost satirical.
Overall, it's a fun hack and slash game with an interesting MC, backstory, cool boss fights and some frustrating sections.

Didn't enjoy it as much as I did when I played it a couple years ago, but it's still fun overall!
The gameplay is nice although it's not very responsive sometimes, specially when facing multiple enemies in a smaller area. It gets repetitive after a while but since the game isn't very long you never get really bored of it. The Noir levels are more stealth based so that changes the gameplay a bit but the other 3 Spider-Men levels are more action oriented.
The story is fun! Each Spider-man has its bit of own story although none are really well developed so there's enough focus on the 4 of them. They're okay.
The levels have their own unique aesthetic, the game has aged really well in terms of visuals! They do feel a bit repetitive after a while since there's a not a lot of objectives variety.
Overall, it's a fun Spider-Man game!

A fun but repetitive and super dragged out game.
The story starts out nicely but then it quickly becomes an uninteresting and too long mess. There's like 14 or 15 alliances you gotta do and when something happens to a character you just don't really care because you didn't spend that much time with them, so some important story beats felt very weak imo, specially the ending.
The gameplay, although similar to Origins and Odyssey, feels a bit better, mainly during combat which is always pretty fun to the point where stealth isn't that interesting or enticing to do. There's some very cool finishers that are always fun to see after you kill a strong enemy. There isn't lots of enemy variety unfortunately so after a couple hours you'll have pretty much faced every type of enemy. The raids are always fun too although they also get repetitive after a while.
The map is pretty big but it's mostly uninteresting and I never felt interested in seeing what it had to offer. I did a few side quests, they were okay. The dice mini game is cool and you can spend some time with it!
My biggest problems with this game are the progression system and how the story is told. You will get to a point where you either grind and do tons of side activities to increase your power level or go the options and increase the damage you deal and reduce the damage you receive, I did that and thank god!! I thought the game's story was already dragging and if I didn't use those options I'd have doubled my playtime and gotten even more tired of it. The skill tree in this game is also atrocious. The actual good upgrades are locked behind "+5.2 melee damage" type of upgrades and it's super tiring after a while because there are tons of upgrades to do. I get this is to increase the overall playtime but it's terrible imo. I'd rather have a smaller skill tree that was more enticing to do. This boring progression system gets even worse since the main story is related to your power level. Wanna do the next alliance? The suggested power level is 50 lvls away from yours! You can try doing it anyway but it will be hard since enemies will be very tanky. It just made me lose even more interest in the story. I hope AC Red adresses this! Because if the story here didn't have the power level requirements it would've been better. I get they don't want you unlocking the whole map at once but it could be done in another way. For example, that area could be in siege and would unlock after some alliances or just say the Animus is corrupted or something lol.
Visually, the game mostly looks quite nice! There are some npc's that don't look too good and some facial animations are ehh. But it's also just style and not a lot of substance. It looks good but it's not interesting to travel through the map, it's very bland. If the story was interesting and most of the characters were too I probably would've explored more even if it's not too interesting, I'd wanna spend more time in that world, to see everything it had to offer, which was what I did with Odyssey.
Overall, like I said in the beggining, it's a fun but too stretched out game with a meh story and characters.

Retro Yearly List #15 [1989: Tetris]

Tetris may be a difficult game to rate, I mean, it's kind of a genre itself, and there are not many comparisons to make here, so thinking from the perspective of what a game has to be, this one delivers everything needed.
It was innovative like no other, with a gaming style that is addictive even those days, to the point to having it turned into a culture inside and outside the gaming niche, everybody knows Tetris nowadays (at least if you were not born last month).
The music, you probably already know the main one, the classical "Korobeiniki", based on a Russian tone, is simply a timeless and beautiful melody, I did not bother to have it on loop while trying to beat my own high scores. The second song also caught my attention, so was a nice surprise.
This version also has some diverse challenges other than the infinite high-score-based one, allowing you to play the Type-B games which are different levels with finite goals, you can also add to the difficulty selecting a level of "high" which will start your game with a pile of random trash that you need to overcome.
The game has some sky-rocket cutscenes that will appear depending on your score, which is a nice touch, I was not able to get them tho, since my maximum score was 37.000 only.
Tetris has everything you need to have FUN, and that's something that nobody can deny.

Finally replayed this on PC and my thoughts are pretty much the same.
Visually the game looks really good and I did not play with ray tracing on, so, if you do have it on it will look even better.
The story and the mc and some characters are interesting.
For some reason the main game and the dlc's all end a bit too abruptly.
The pacing is nice, you get new powers from time to time and it's always nice using them.
The side characters aren't very well developed imo and I didn't really care for most of them, the facials animations aren't also very good for the most so it doesn't help too.
The game also has TONS of collectibles, if you don't like reading a lot you'll miss some nice lore.
The gameplay is nice although it gets repetitive after a while, most enemies encounters will play out very similarly, I wish there was more variety to what you could do with some of the powers. The melee combat here is literally just one attack, there could at least be another move to send enemies upwards, for example. You can upgrade your abilities and some have additional benefits but nothing too game changing.
The game's harder than most AAA games and it sometimes is annoying, thankfully there are some options which make you literally immortal and one shot every enemy (even bosses), so if you're having a hard time you can use those options. There's a couple of fights that are very annoying due to how tanky some enemies are and when there's lots of them. I think difficulty options would've been great here.
You can also customize Jesse's "item" slots to have more hp, energy, etc depending on what you have equipped. You can get new equipments from enemies and chests, you can also customize your weapons with this.
The map sometimes is very confusing! You have to look really close to see where it's actually leading to.
There's also some missions where you may be confused as what you have to do, there's some "puzzles" that are very dumb.
The first dlc is meh, you basically solve four puzzles, get 1 ability you can only use there and then there's a boss fight.
The Alan Wake dlc was a great improvement in terms of everything although it ends too abruptly, after you defeat the last boss there's a cutscene which teases something and that's it, Jesse doesn't say a word after the cutscene ends lol.
Overall, it's a very good looking game, the gameplay is nice although it gets repetitive and sometimes frustrating, the story, the setting, Jesse are all very interesting and I'm hyped for Control 2! I'm hoping for more variety in combat and better side character development!


CARALHO, LARIAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Achei que esse jogo seria algum diferencial da Ubisoft, mas não é nada mais que um Zelda cheio de elementos do Far Cry e Assassin's Creed.

O visual é estranho de início, mas mais bizarro mesmo são os diálogos, somado ainda a dublagem, que não salva nem isso. O jogo é simplesmente pegar armaduras, coletar 5 mil itens de cada tipo para upar suas ferramentas, vida, fôlego, etc.

Tem puzzle para tudo, muitos são simples, outros na verdade são chatos e repetitivos. O combate de ínicio é bem limitado em certos aspectos, isso porque o jogo oferece DIVERSAS árvores de habilidades, e como na maioria dos jogos de hoje em dia, muita coisa ali é inútil.

O prólogo serve para te ensinar o jogo, então prepare ai algumas horas, porque tem muita, mas muita coisa. Bugs você vai encarar com frequência, aliás eu desisti porque porque tem missões que não explicam quase nada sobre o objetivo e de quebra os ícones no mapa, não te ajudam a localizar em nada, as vezes te mandando para áreas em que não era para ir, tipo enfrentar um boss com a barra do tamanho do comprimento da sua tela (aliás copiado do AC Odyssey, né dona Ubisoft preguiçosa).

Os mundos não tem nada cativante, apenas vários, mas vários inimigos que te atrapalham demais, e são muito mas muitos mais fortes que você.

Eu realmente não tenho saco para gastar 40 horas nesse jogo, nada me empolgou para dar continuidade.

Olá amigo, você tem que testar esse jogo, é o shooter mais inovador que eu joguei em anos

The beginning of the Souls games. Really good atmosphere and boss designs! The designs of common enemies are okay.
It's clunky in some aspects but you get used to it after a while although it still is annoying sometimes.
There's some very cool level design in some of the sections! Makes you wanna explore the whole area.
The story's okay.
It's crazy how the core gameplay of the souls games is still very similar to this one but each time more refined!
Overall, it's a great introduction to the souls games (since it's literally the start of the genre/franchise) and a good game, some sections are a bit tedious due to the lack of bonfires, it makes sense that all the other games they released after have them lol.