32 reviews liked by Bruno_AgSs

Mass effect is an incredibly ambitious game that feels so grand and huge it can be overwhelming at times. as soon as you complete the tutorial area, you are thrown out into open space and can follow the main story or explore different planets as you choose. most non essential planets only contain a few side quests, but they feel incredibly cool to explore. The game has fully realized what a world with such advanced technology could look like, and the world feels so alive to explore for it.

Mass effect contains many great characters with their own personalities and stories, most of which you might never see. You could play this game over and over and over again and still have completely different cutscenes and dialogue with different characters. Speaking of dialogue, part of what makes this game so special is the massive amount of custom dialogue you can say as the main character, each piece by piece showing you more bits of the story as if you were actually talking to these npcs to figure out what is going on. This may just be one of the best RPG's ever in terms of its character writing.

The Story of mass effect gets more and more interesting the more you play; its better than i ever could have expected, and the world building is absolutely incredible. every small detail and place in this game seems to have a fully realized backstory behind it, which brings me to the locations. Every place and planet in this game explores a completely different possibility for what a future world could look like, all of them are incredible. they also pretty good for the amount of places you can explore and the Xbox 360's hardware limits.

The combat in this game can be fun, but doesn't deserve quite as much praise as the other aspects. using your abilities on a scroll wheel feels a little but clunky the auto cover system will often fail to work when its supposed to, and the movement is a bit awkward, making for some clunky encounters with enemies. It is fun but nothing crazy.

There is one issue i did have with this game, and that was its performance issues. during combat when there was a lot of enemies around, the frame rate would freeze up and slow to a crawl, and the same during cutscenes. the game pauses quite frequently to save or load, and there are some glitches i ran into such as my character being unable to move making me have to restart the game to progress. I'm not sure if these issues are specific to the Xbox 360 version or not but they are not too big of a deal as the game is still very enjoyable despite them.

Mass effect is a very special game that i feel more people should definitely play. i highly recommend it.

Honestamente eu amo esse jogo por ser um dos primeiros jogos de historia e mundo aberto que eu com um pequeno nivel de massa encefalica joguei e mano foi minha primeira platina tambem e eu tenho um respeito absurdo por ele pois o Spider-Man merecia um jogo novo depois da aberração de amazing spider man 2 skksks só joga essa pedrada

Marvel's Guardians of The Galaxy é surpreendentemente bom.

Quando esse jogo lançou, em 2021, lembro de baixar uma cópia pirateada e me decepcionar muito com a gameplay, que me parecia repetitiva demais pra um jogo dos GOTG.

Hoje, em 2023, eu finalizo o jogo e percebo que eu não olhei a parte mais importante desse jogo, o fato de que ele é uma experiência single-player com uma ótima história e roteiro.

Os personagens são todos cativantes, cada um com sua peculiaridade e o texto é simplesmente incrível, cada piada acerta como um tiro perfeito.

A gameplay realmente tá longe de ser perfeita, já que não muda muito do início ao fim (no fim das contas é um jogo de ação com tirinho, nada demais).

Mas algo que me fez contornar esse problema da gameplay foi jogar na dificuldade mais alta do game, que me fez pensar como usar todos os recursos disponíveis pra não tomar um cacete nas fases finais (que acredite ou não, ficam impossíveis nessa dificuldade, se tu não souber o que tá fazendo).

No fim das contas, não é um jogo perfeito, mas é uma ótima surpresa, principalmente se você conseguiu pegar de graça na Epic Store.

As someone who throughly enjoyed the original Mafia and Mafia II, I was really excited about this one. I love what the devs tried to do here with the characters and story, but there's just so much wasted potential, especially when it comes to the open world and mechanics that I can't help but feel kinda bothered.

Once you finish the story, there is a free mode for you to walk around Lost Heaven, but despite being a beautifully crafted city, even with all those cars and npcs wandering around, it feels rather empty. There's literally nothing to do, besides searching for collectibles. I loved the Pulp Literature ones, but the mystery foxes are a chore and there's no reward whatsoever for taking the time to find them. There is no side missions, gunplay is fun but limited which doesn't differ very much from the old game, the gas stations scattered around the map are useless because at no point in the game they tell you that you can use them, but even if they did I don't think it matters much because even on classic difficulty I never found myself in the need to use any.

I was also bothered at the fact that they cut out good mission content and rushed a couple stuff, like Paulie and Tommy meeting to take the train and having a mini-tour around the city, the ability to use the train in general would have been a nice way for this Lost Heaven, which is beautiful, to have a purpose beyond the main story, but there is none. If you like collectibles, that's something to look forward to, but not much else.

Cool game, it really is. Incredible graphics, beautiful city, fun story, in-depth realistic characters, which are the main reason I'm recommending this. But there's just so much more they could have done with it that once you realize that there's nothing beyond the city streets, it is kind of disappointing.

Talvez a mídia com mais "personalidade" que eu já tenha consumido na vida.

Um jogo sem medo de ser feliz, quer ser tudo ao mesmo tempo, e consegue! (na maioria das vezes).

O combate é divertidíssimo, diálogos hilários, side-quest únicas, minigames variados (aprendi majong aqui). Mas a cereja do bolo é a direção, que consegue me manipular como um maestro que conduz sua sinfonia, mudanças drásticas de tom são recorrente, e isso é receita pra cortar a "vibe" do jogador, mas o diretor fez mágica aqui, me sinto engajado em ambos.

A dissonância entre o sério e engraçado funciona, porque é genuíno, porque resumindo esse jogo em uma palavra, seria isso.

Genuíno. 10/10

A short sweet experience, doesn't get much better than this.

Shout out to Nycto or The Nameless One, for accompanying me on this journey.

Got more than I expected.

Was having a conversation with a friend a couple months ago who said that Hollow Knight surpasses any Castlevania game by a significant margin. I had already been playing Hollow Knight on and off for a while but hadn’t gotten far enough, and being the Castlevania fangirl I am was highly skeptical of this claim. I mean Hollow Knight was a good game from what I had played but better than Aria of Sorrow? I didn’t start to really make progress in the game until the last few weeks or so and wow I think my friend was onto something. This game is immaculate in literally every single way. The story and atmosphere are incredible. Every single bit of flavor text serves the word-building in its own way. The game is full of so much hidden stuff that makes you want to scour the whole map because a room you’ve been to a hundred times can still have something you didn’t figure out until 20 hours in. The charm system adds an entire layer of strategy and has something for almost every style of play. Certain bosses and platforming puzzles can be very hard but in a way that makes you want to spend 40 minutes retrying the same thing out of stubbornness rather than saying “fuck it” and quitting for the day. If a Castlevania game had this level of storytelling and gameplay depth I think it would have an argument for being the greatest game ever along the same lines as Final Fantasy 6 or Chrono Trigger. I will definitely be replaying this one sometime in the future.

While I do respect the revolutionary legacy of this game, it doesn't save it from being a frustrating nightmare that ruined my experience.

Lack of checkpoints when dying.
Fragile and hard to control vehicles.
Insufferable brutal police AI.
Bad to straight up unfair mission design.
Forgettable story and characters.

Thank God I played Vice City and San Andreas first.

Final Fantasy VII de 1997 é o melhor jogo já feito pelo ser humano. Este jogo tem uma das melhores histórias que eu ja vi em games, com temas ultra atuais como a dor da perda e a vida. Os personagens de FF7 são fantasticos Cloud, Barret, Tifa, Vincent, Aerith etc… são muito bem desenvolvidos e que fazem com que FF7 tenha os melhores personagens secundarios da história dos jogos. Os vilões são muito bons como Hojo, Reno, Rude, Rufus etc…. MAS O PRINCIPAL DESTAQUE VAI PARA O VILÃO PRINCIPAL. SEPHIROTH !!!!!!!!!!!!! O melhor vilão da história dos jogos.

Em relação à gameplay, ela é MARAVILHOSA, por mais que seja batalha por turnos, o sistema de matérias é FANTASTICO, a maneira como podes combinar diferentes matérias e criar builds para os personagens da tua party é simplesmente magnifico, o sistema de Limit Breaks é muito bom também.

A TRILHA SONORA DESTE JOGO É DE OUTRO PLANETA, a melhor soundtrack da história dos jogos, NOBUO UEMATSU GÉNIO.


Overrated, played this early 2018, never felt the appeal. go to point A and shoot thing. Also, Vaas is just not that intimidating rather, so over-the-top that I can't take it seriously.