Addicting combat, fun secrets, and a great atmosphere. I think I spent 90% of the game in detective mode though lmao

I was scared to play this game because it's one of the lowest rated games on this site, but... it's honestly not bad?? It's like the perfect example of mid. The soundtrack was really good, the cutscenes looked great (except for a few that were super compressed), and honestly the gameplay wasn't that bad minus Classic Sonic. While I am annoyed by the amount of auto-segments and how short the game is, I don't think it deserves a 1.8 rating for that.

Too RNG heavy, you could have a perfect build but just not roll the champs you need, while everyone else has three-star five-costs. Fun when not playing ranked though

Felt like a custom mod someone made. No air momentum and the homing dash made moving around feel bad compared to the originals.

This game controls like hot dookie. The Nights level was way too high quality to be in a game like this.

I enjoyed the more linear gameplay and story, but it didn't have me laughing like the main game did. I also realized just how terrible most of the guns are, so I stuck to just the sawed-off and scythe for the most part. A lot of the gameplay in this was just either kill X amount of enemies or travel through an area and then backtrack out, which was lame. Overall, it was worth playing through, but I probably won't even remember this over the main game.

This expansion is literally Postal 2 but so much better. The errands all having plot relevance and actual gameplay besides just going and grabbing something made playing through the week way more engaging. I couldn't believe how much better they managed to make the game, and I wish they would have just kept making games like this instead of what they did.

I'm shocked by how low-rated this is, I had an absolute blast playing through it solo. It felt like such an upgrade compared to Trilogy, with weapon and perk progression making me genuinely want to grind a bit. The horde mode being changed to have progression similar to COD Zombies improved it from a mid gamemode to something I'd actually want to go back to. While the DLC being shoved in my face is annoying, the fact that we get 12 full chapters for free is pretty insane already, so I didn't mind that much.

It's a fun L4D2-style game, but probably my least favorite that I've played so far. You never feel satisfied with killing enemies, and solo play is incredibly punishing. The characters are all fun though and the enemies look really cool.

Very creepy, yet still so awesome. The soundtrack is a banger, and the combat actually felt super rewarding to get good at. The boss fights are a bit lacking and the story can be confusing at points, but it's still a fantastic game.

After completing every act on nightmare solo, I can say that the game was still fun and kept me engaged, but definitely not as replayable as L4D2.

i hate the god damn sleepers

Fortnite is back baybeeeee. Zero Build is the only way to play this game now, as builders are just as sweaty as they were in Ninja's prime. Peter Griffin made it all worth it.

It's fun, and definitely a great side-mode for the base game. The only problem is that every run just feels the same. Sure, you can hack as the custodian and repair as the engineer, but everything else is almost completely identical. I got through a couple runs, and I think I had my fill.

The perfect collection for playing four of the best 2D platformers ever made. While it's annoying that you can only use like four keys for your keybindings, I made it work and still had a great time.

Fun gameplay, interesting story, but cheap jumpscares get annoying real fast. The game is at its best when you feel tense from not knowing your surroundings while you're running and hiding from someone chasing you.