Episode 3 > 2 > 1, didn't like that most of the gameplay was "move here, kill zombies, move here, kill more zombies, etc", but it was still a good time. Horde mode should've been the main gameplay, as it's pretty good compared to COD Zombies.

This game was incredibly fun to play. Shooting, exploring, and even just moving around felt so satisfying and fun. This was the first shooter that made me actually want to replay levels to get what I missed, as just flying through levels was awesome. My only gripe was that some of the levels were too long, but that honestly wasn't that big of an issue. I can't wait to see what future updates come out, as I'll definitely be itching to come back to the world of Paradise.

This game is so adorable!! Having a checklist of achievements to go through makes galloping through the sandbox have more of a purpose, and walking around and smacking stuff as a cat is just the cutest thing! I wish the game was a little longer or had more quests, as I completed all of the achievements in a little over 4 hours, but I will definitely be replaying this with my girlfriend, who is probably one of the main demographics for this game. If you have Game Pass, this is definitely a must play if you want a comfy fun game!

This might be the hardest game to recommend to anyone, but it's actually a perfect game. The level of freedom you have is unparalleled, and each level is so unique and oozing style. One of the best and most unique games I've ever played.

The good ending is such an incredible end to Artyom's journey, but I personally preferred the smaller linear set pieces of the previous games compared to this game's vast open worlds, as most of my time in-game was spent just traveling to the next mission. Also getting jumpscared by spiders crawling on my face every time I used the lighter definitely angered me more than once lol

This game is so good. I wish it had as good a soundtrack as the original, but hearing the UNATCO theme on the radios was good enough <3. Takedowns costing an energy cell shouldn't exist, but this was only an issue for the first couple hours.


The game is beautiful and the amount of lore and dialogue is insane. The gameplay is so fluid and it feels so rewarding to get good at. I like that there is actual dialogue with the bosses and boons so it feels like you're still progressing through a story while just playing through runs.

we need more speedrunning-based movement games, this and Neon White just feel so good to master

This might just be the greatest stealth game ever made

Really fun platforming, and so much extra content to play through. However, the movement felt inconsistent at times. The ledge-grabbing sometimes worked, but usually not when you wanted it to. Jumping on enemies' heads sometimes killed you even when you did it perfectly. This led to some rage-inducing moments where it felt like I was doing everything perfectly but the game just didn't want me to win. Ash's voice acting was also kind of bad.

Infinitely better than Episode I, even if it still isn't as good as the originals. Most of the soundtrack sounds like penis music though

Incredible gameplay, fun characters, fantastic soundtrack. Just need a custom level editor and this game would be a 10/10.


One of the best roguelite's I've ever played. It truly captures the spirit of Mega Man X's gameplay while keeping each playthrough unique. After following it through Early Access, I can easily recommend this game to anyone that likes action-platformers.

While this game is an obvious downgrade from Thief 1 and 2, it still holds its own weight against them. The levels having actual music instead of just ambience, the animated cutscenes sprinkled within missions, and a proper conclusion for Garrett's storyline help elevate this game from feeling like a jank cashgrab to a genuine sendoff for the series.

I can't lie though that this game feels incredibly bad to play without getting the Sneaky Upgrade. Even with it, I almost wanted to quit during the first mission just due to how bad it felt to play. However, once I understood how the blackjack worked in this game and got used to movement in this engine, it felt like I was back playing a genuine Thief title again.

Shalebridge Cradle also really is as good as everyone says. This might be one of the best levels in gaming ever made.


Such a cute and surprisingly emotional story. Lack of side quests and rewards for exploration are kind of disappointing, but not unforgivable.