id always said that combat was like a puzzle in some respects. At first I was skeptical for what this would mean for what was created in 2016, but this game sold me. In Doom 2016, I almost exclusively used the siege mode gauss cannon and the grenade launcher combat shotgun. I had no reason to use anything else. In this game, I have to use every tool at my disposal to succeed, and therefore feels much more engaging and rewarding. The exploration is also very fun and gives lots of high value items. Another feature I was skeptical of was the platforming, however, the team's utilization sold me on it. Next, there was the story. Doom 2016 had a skeletal story, that did not detract or add anything of value in my opinion. On the contrary, this time around id has expanded the scope and implementation of a story that does a great job to add context and impact. I have no complaints

I first played this game when I was 6, and I still have memories of how much the game terrified me. Everything is great, from the gameplay driven story, to the fast paced combat, and even the imperfect Xen levels can be enjoyable, especially Gonarch and Nihilanth. This game has had an eternally lasting impact on me.


My introduction to the Doom series. Great in many many ways. Lacks variety towards the end.

Everything the Crowbar Collective team has set out to do was accomplished with a sense of polish unheard of for an indy team making a game of this scale. Although not everything is perfect, such as the dam scene or the infamous Xen, it is still a breath of fresh air into one of my favorite games.

Many games, especially first person shooters, of the early 2000s were good for their day, but were somewhat killed by the passage of time. One game that comes to mind is Doom 3, which had pretty good reception when it came out, but today is known for just being a jump scare ridden oddball of the Doom franchise. However the same cannot be said about Half Life 2. Everything still holds up today, from the deeply interesting story, to the fun combat and puzzle solving. If only the Combine AI was a bit more advanced

Witty writing and even wittier gameplay. A must play for anyone out there.

I kept going back to this game for months after my first playthrough. Everything about it is magical. The Sans fight was difficult, but rewarding. I just wish there was more.