The best and most fun roguelike I've played.

Though its difficulty level is not for everyone which is a deal breaker it still has a lot of good design choices around every corner.

The game can be finished in about 10 minutes, and it took me around 30 hours of playtime to finish it, that should show how hard the game is.
And the fact that i kept playing should show how fun the game is, as well as the fact that my current playtime is almost 420 hours.

I would love to love this game but god do i hate it.

Nothing's bad, and yet nothing's GOOD good either, you know.

It's all kind of eh.

The parts that could have been good are the parts they ruined by trying to stretch your playtime like a shitty mobile game.

The game tries to do too much at the same time.

If someone tells you the story is bad, don't believe them, and analyze the story for yourself with a more critical mindset.

Gameplay is good enough, but it's not the main focus so it's not too big of a deal.

Characters are all likeable. All of them. No exceptions. I honestly don't know how Konjak did it.

It's overall a 10/10 and maybe even an 11/10 depending on what you're looking for.


phenomenal and stellar at everything it tries to do

Simple short and sweet.

10/10 games don't have to do a lot, they just have to succeed at doing what they WANT to do, not what they CAN do.

10/10 games always bite off exactly what they can chew.

It's the most innovative shooter I've played in years, and the story of a man going places where he shouldn't go.

You can get stuck on some levels due to difficulty spikes but other than that it's a good game.

I enjoyed the game's endless system (way too much)

It's MORE of the same, really.

If you enjoyed the endless mode you'll enjoy this game for sure.

Only thing that keeps the game from being a 10/10 is the balance, there's some temporary upgrades that are unbalanced and MILES better than others.

It's good, don't get me wrong, but it's not anything more than that.

There's some love put into it as well as lots of neon and bullets and killing which i like but that's about it.

Early access though so i'll give it a pass

They somehow made a story driven single player shooter replayable in every way you can imagine.

Give it a try and you won't stop playing it so soon.

Short and sweet.

My favorite metroidvania, eagerly waiting for the 5th installment of the series.

Pricing is odd but i suppose it works.

Simple rhythm game with a vibrant artstyle that is still very pleasant.

I could say a lot about the game but to keep it simpler:

It's hard, rewarding, and fast paced.
The story is shockingly well written.
The gut-wrenching difficulty might not have been intentional but it adds a whole new layer to the game's symbolism.

If you're up for the challenge of completing Hotline Miami both 1 and 2 i DEFINITELY recommend it.

This is about my own experience, which was...
Just "eh"

Game looks feels (mostly) and plays good but my main issue with it is that i just can't find a reason to try and keep going and trying to get past the one part i'm stuck on.

This game can turn even the most casual player into a sweaty speedrunner.
I finished the game and went to see some content about it.
There was a red medal time ranking which i didn't even know existed.

The highlight of the game to me is definitely the level design, i loved every single bit of it, really.

Plays (mostly) well, good characters, even better music.
Story is nothing to write home about, but it gets the job done.

The only peeve i have with it is that it's a game about shooting but there's no gun models on your screen, which kind of turned me off at first.
As dumb as that might sound it makes quite the difference to me, though the game is still super enjoyable.

And White is just Persona 5 Joker for lonely gay nerds which is a plus.

My GOTY for 2022


The game is a grindfest, but a well made one

Everything in the game is polished and fun to play with

The only issue that drove me away was the grinding up until i got to the harder difficulty settings, when i got to that point i was already too bored of the game.

Here's hoping the second game isn't as grindy and focuses on the challenge rather than playtime

sisyphus has the best keepsake btw