A timeless classic

Although slowly diminished in quality since it's acquisition by Microsoft, rolling back the version to 1.8 or earlier easily fixes it

An incredible game with storytelling so great it's flaws cease to matter

The fact that this game was made in 18 months is insane to me, it shows through in many parts of it's unfinishedness (Honest Hearts </3) but the character packed into it still astonishes

A masterpiece

This game showcases the many of the reasons why I think games are the peak form of media, the world it makes and the detail you can gain from every nook and cranny to learn more lore as you explore and overcome challenges is incredible

Easily the best Action-Horror game ever made

Quite probably the greatest package of a game ever offered

The campaign and multiplayer are some of the best experiences to be had with a shooter, combined with the custom games, forge, theater mode, and file share system Halo 3 was incredibly well rounded and could do pretty much anything you wanted all within the game itself

I have 4 hours on my save and as of now I think that's enough to keep me from playing again, I would have quit sooner but it was very hyped up, I might try playing again in coop but then again literally every game is fun with friends so it's not like it counts for much.

I think this is probably an okay game, but certainly not for me.

Failing 3 75% pass rate checks in a row and then failing a 95% chance one? Going two hours without passing a single dice roll? Nah I'm good, reminds of Fallout 3's dialogue system, and that's another thing, the dialogue isn't very good, I can certainly play as a character, but not my character. The AI characters are also mostly unlikeable, the ugly elf that sounds like a pedophile, the racist white woman, the annoying orc knockoff chick. This game further confirms that I just really do not like isometric games or turn based games, it does not control well or feel good to play.

This is a massively important game that doesn't entirely hold up, worth playing for historical purposes

Entirely stops being fun when you hit Lambda Core, maybe I'm just spoiled with all the games this inspired but even Halo CE from just a few years later blows this out of the water

One of my favorite shooters of all time, a near perfect mix of more realistic and casual elements, has some issues but they can be mostly overlooked

Once you get to about mid tier the grind becomes immense, before you even get there you'll feel the effects of the grind as you deal with endless amounts of tank destroyers who leave the match once they die

If they gutted all the microtransactions I'd be completely fine to pay for it like any other game, the freemium model just ruins it, and the worst part is that underneath is a legitimately good game

I'd avoid this game entirely if you don't have friends who play it or a bunch of expendable income

Overall, a very disappointing game

It started off quite promising, but after suffering a decade of feature creep, powerscaling, and gamebreaking issues it's far beyond saving

I could write a whole essay on my thoughts about this game so to keep it short, it does a lot of things very very well, but if you've played the previous fromsoft games it feels more like a greatest hits collection than it's own entire game

I have a lot of minor nitpicks, but even if I'm being super critical, it's still quite good

Very strange anti-nuclear lean that's almost detached from reality but overall decent message and an enjoyable hour or two of time