Never completed it but was a cool concept.

Tried to play but wasn't really into it.

Played a bit of and thought it was fun.

Played and was having an alright time but could never really complete it all

Played a tiny bit of and I plan to fully beat it sometime.


Loved playing it but never got around to beating it, however I plan to.

Played it back when it came out but never finished it for a lot of reasons but I'll probably go back to it sometime and play it fully as I've heard it's been worked on a lot.

Never got around to beating it but I imagine I will eventually.

Never finished it but will probably go back to eventually.

Enjoyed it but for whatever reason I never beat it.

Was fun to mess around on but I never got to beating it.

Enjoyed but for some reason stopped playing it and I don't plan to finish it.

Got it with Shadow of war but never really planned to play it.

Played a small bit but intend to eventually play it fully.