7 reviews liked by Camooleskull

A criminal switch up but a way you can still access the story so I do recommend people give it a go.

100% and fully played in local co-op.
Finally a Mario bros game that feels new and fresh. A great joy to play and also to 100%. The whole game is fun from start till finish!

My thoughts:
(+ = (mostly) positive; - = (mostly) negative)
++ Gameplay;
At first I thought the wonder flowers would only appear every so often, but it turns out you can find one in every level! All of them truely give a spin to the level in a way you will or won't expect at all! It's a fun mix between the traditional gameplay, badges to give it some extra flare and wonder flowers to give something completely different.
The co-op could have been a bit better. Not all levels work fine when only 1 player has the camera focus. I'd say Rayman legends has the best 2d platformer co-op camera.

+ Music;
There are some bangers, but not all of them are memorable. I'm one of the few people who enjoyed the talking flowers.

++ Graphics;
Everything is improved from the previous games since super Mario world. I'm not a fan of the elephant designs, especially for the princesses... Toad one kinda cute ngl.

+- Story/Characters;
Wish not half of them were color skins and easy mode. Would have preferred if you could toggle between the modes or something. Story is simple as always but that's fine.

Must have for the switch! If you like this, you have to play Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze and Rayman legends!

God, I fucking love this game. As tired as the concept may be for some, the idea of taking fairytale/fantasy characters and putting them into modern cities and realistic situations has always been something I dug, and it was done wonderfully here. The setting is vivid and easy to immerse yourself in, the characters are varied, likeable, and charming, the mystery is suspenseful and gripping, the choices and consequences are satisfying, and the soundtrack is brilliant.

The ending has one of the cliffhangers that have haunted me most through my time in gaming, and I am both excited for and terrified of the sequel. Hopefully it lives up to the first game's quality and ties up the loose ends it needs to.

(Sidenote I include with all Telltale reviews: Telltale's games often get a bad rap for having your choices not influence the story, but to me this misses the point of what they do. Variant endings are a nice bonus in games, and I enjoy them when they do pop up in Telltale's stories, but for the most part your choices aren't here to change where you go. They're there to change how you get there, who you are when you get there, and often who you get there with. They influence and change your relationships with the characters around you. The joy of replaying these games is to experience the different dialogue, the different reactions to you, the different routes you can take on the way, the different bonds you can evolve with people - not to have a wildly different ending. I think this aspect is overhated and sadly misunderstood by a lot of players, so if huge, game-changing differences are what you're looking for, I'd temper your expectations.)

Favourite Male Character: Grendel, Flycatcher
Favourite Female Character: Holly
First Character I Liked: Bigby
Favourite Character Design: Jersey Devil's true form
Favourite OST: TBA
Favourite Scene: Bigby's full transformation and fight with Bloody Mary as a wolf
Least Favourite Character: The Tweedles

What if Half Life, but Half Life 2?

there is not one person on this website smart enough to talk about this beautiful, beautiful fucking game. the haters and losers of backloggd can never understand the magesty of what i experienced... maybe the most visceral piece of naomi-core yet created

imagine a game in which the main story sucks, and yet it still manages to create and atmosphere and world that truly conveys the apocalyptic scenario of Dying Light.
this, among the visceral combat and liberating parkour makes the game truly unique, and while it has its set-backs, it's truly a game worth playing, even just for the gameplay.

Secret World 1.0 was so good, this weird and ambitious attempt to make an MMORPG with quest structure that was closely tied into its worldbuilding and didn't feel like just doing fetch quests and mindlessly checking off boxes. It wasn't entirely successful but it was still one of the coolest things I've played. And I understand the reasoning behind Funcom's decision to relaunch it, but really all they did was take the parts of the game that were already not good and somehow made them bad enough that they made the game no longer fun to play. And since the relaunch didn't spark the renewed interest they apparently wanted, Funcom is so transparently uninterested in salvaging what they have that they don't even bother to do server maintenance anymore, so the game's borderline unplayable now. As I write this there are 80 people online. What a depressing end to such a bold, interesting experiment. Fuck you Funcom.