Didn't last 5 minutes with this garbage. The lazy millennial devs over at Konami have shown they clearly can't pull off anything even remotely close to Kojima's P.T

Imagine thinking that rock steady fell off and more importantly imagine thinking that the suicide squad killed the Justice League is trash. Could never be me. These fake gamers are now crawling out of the woodwork to perpetuate this idea that gaming is the worst its ever been. That the suicide squad is trash because it's a life service game and because it's repetitive and so on and so forth. First of all, you could argue that with every game, every game gets boring after a while. Secondly how many live service games do you currently play? Probably more than you think. Rocksteady didn't fall off, you did and that's why folks, as someone who's already played this game because I'm not a fake gamer, I'm pre-ordering the $100 edition of The Suicide Squad Kill the Justice League because Rocksteady is about to make a damn point and you're either on the hype train or you're off.

In Cold Steel 1 & 2, I was not able to see any of the girl's panties. The garbage camera system made it too difficult. There was only one time, which was in CS2 (one of the Class VII girls was sitting on a round table).
In CS3 though? They made it effortless to upskirt. Bravo to Falcom for making that change. It could still be improved though. Assuming that it will work the exact same way in Cold Steel 4, here's hoping it is further improved in Hajimari.

dont listen to the zoomers that are lapping up this game. This soulless trash doesn't hold a candle to the original Shinji Mikami 2005 masterpiece

This would be good on PS VITA or similar but what is the point in MS creating the most powerful consoles, then release stuff like this for it, it is a waste of energy of a Series X. Microsoft Game Studios have yet to release a game anywhere to the like of Horizon, Ghosts of Tsushima, Spider-Man. A game that pushes the powerful Xbox consoles to its limits.

A game more suited for cloud gaming I guess. I will play this if I have my ipad with me out and about.

What an absolute fucking mistake it was to purchase this game based on all the hype it generated. I didn't last 10 minutes with this unmitigated dumpster fire of a game. Nu-Kratos sucks and the boy serves literally no purpose to the overarching plot. The dialog very much feels like it was written by a bunch of bratty kids. I don't get how Sony could allow their precious first party to fall victim to this kind of shit.

The absolute madlads at Falcom fucking did it yet again with another great trails game.

I had a few people also tell me to play these games in order, and they were right. I cannot fathom enjoying this game as much I did if I did not play Trails in the Sky First, Second and Third. I highly recommend starting from the beginning before jumping into this. I'm very excited to play Azure when it comes out on Switch, then Cold Steel 1-4 afterwards. Falcom is easily one of the best developers to exist.


fitting name for the game seeing as how I uninstalled this trash within 5 minutes

imagine not wanting to reach moksha lmao

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>tfw you will never impregnate a cat girl
why even live

Daily reminder that this will NEVER get a Switch port.
You WILL buy a Wii U and you WILL be happy.

too many tutorials.
too much dialogue that nobody gives a shit about reading.
no pvp.
this is an absolute failure and dreadful stain on this franchise

There's no quest log. The disgusting souls fanbase defends this by saying I should write the quest logs down on a piece of paper??? What year is this? Fuck this franchise, fuck Miyazaki and fuck the degenerate fans who worship this garbage ass franchise that has ZERO fucking respect for the player. Never again.