A great sequel and improvement on an already great game. I think it does everything I liked about the first even better, alongside a better soundtrack, (from what I noticed) subtitles outside of the comic book cutscenes, and a much better final fight. Worst I can say is that it might be a little easy (and this time it isn't because of a mod) but that's not a problem (specially cause it's still easy to get yourself killed if you're being reckless).

(Played via Decadence)
I guess to start with the main thing, while I do have my problems with this game, I do think this is a big improvement on 1 and a pretty good game.

To quickly go through my issues, most of the minigames I do not like (new Hangman's Gambit especially), and I feel Chapter 5 and 6 really drag at points

But as for praises, this game's lineup of characters is so much better (Many more enjoyable characters), the Island I find much more interesting than Hope's Academy, and they went and fixed some dumb stuff from the first game, like dropping Re:Act entirely, giving hints for what each panel needs and what each part represents in the Closing Remarks, and really tightening up the ranking system so (from my experience on Mean-Mean) getting A ranks isn't something you can get with extreme ease

Also has a really good soundtrack too and some cool executions

(NES version)
Even like...what 43 years later? This is still a fun one.
Got through 3 or 4 cycles before game overing because I was enjoying it.

(NES version)
This one uhh
Yeah this one kinda sucks tbh

(NES Version)
Bleh. This one sucks too

Okay to start with negatives, I hate the flashing from the tear extractors. It's really frequent and bright that it started to give me a headache. Also screw the laughing gas switch puzzle and the one where you have to get them past the detector bots.

That's all I got for negatives though, cause otherwise oh this game is so so good.
I already love Oddysee (the first game) a whole lot, and this is this is it, but expanded and improved into probably one of my favorite PS1 games of all time.

(old review; via 1.5+2.5)
(Proud Mode)
I've played this game three times and I love it still.

Death Count: 72

Screw Proud Mode sometimes tho

(very old review (for reasons that'll be clear, I have not finished the game any other time I tried to replay it); Sora's story only; Via 1.5)

Even if I don't hate it as much as others, this game sucks. The couple of bullshit boss fights that more or less force you to use game breaking shit, potentially having to grind for cards to get past doors, Sora being made unlikeable and just flat out stupid, this is the worst one outta the ones I've played. Easily.

So me from the now times of June 2024, I wanted to just put here real quick that since that playthrough (back in 2021), I have grown quite a fondness for the music, and I've warmed up to the story.
Everything else here sticks though, I still hate this game and think it's easily the worst out of what I've played.

(old review; Sora story only)
This I think is the better version of CoM from a gameplay standpoint. I find it a lot more fun. Also the GBA versions of the music are really damn good and I absolutely love the sprite art...

Though it's still Chain of Memories at the end of the day, and, even if better than Re:CoM, it still sucks.

(old review; played via 1.5+2.5)
(Critical Mode)
I have a few problems, but otherwise I very very much like this game.
(Okay tbh I went more in-depth back when I finished this game but unfortunately I no longer have access to where I put my full thoughts.)

Oh also
Total Death Count (including Mission and Gummy Ship Fails. Not Mickey Saves though): 149

(old review)
(Proud Mode)

Sad Catwolf noises

But that doesn't change the spell charge system that I feel gets in the way sometimes (specifically near the end), most of the bosses of the last like 3/4 of the game that were either piss easy to a fault or so infuriating I wanted to quit (specifically for the latter: Leechgrave, Phantomtail, Ruler of the Skies, and Xion's 2nd and 3rd forms), the panel system is great but needed some refinement (and I feel that kinda hurts that desire to really experiment with say the different gears), a lot of this game's stuff I feel is great but needs some refinement, and that the game really didn't need to be so damn long. Like even when treating it like a DS game and only playing it in sessions, I still was just done with it by the end.
But if to praise it outside the story, I think it's renditions and exclusive tracks are really good, I think it looks good for a DS game (a 3D one at that), and I think this game could really work if it had those refinements.
Kinda why I wish we got (or get) a re:358/2 Days at some point. Wouldn't be too hard to do given I don't think there's really anything that'd stop it from being brought over to non-DS things, I think 358 can work if it had refinements and a shorter length, and also because, tbh, while the movie is still how I recommend you experience 358, it's still not an end all solution to experiencing 358 given what's lost

(Old review; played via 1.5+2.5)
(Proud Mode)

This is really a love it or hate it game...
But I love it. Its got its issues (specially when it comes to early game for all three characters. Especially Aqua), but still

Total Deaths/Fails: 63

(old review)
(I think Proud mode)

I know a lot of people like this, but I found this one (at least then) to be the KH game of all time.

Maybe someday I'll go back and either finish it or try again but probably not for a while.

(Old review; Played via 1.5+2.5)

(Proud Mode)

There's some stuff I like like the music and some of the bosses, but that's about it, and it doesn't save this game from being my 2nd least favorite KH game (outta the ones I played)
(I put a lot more in my thoughts, but I decided just to leave it at that because it was mostly a wall of text talking about everything I don't like about this game and I don't think anyone would really care)

Death Count: 40

(Proud Mode)

Ah I loved my time with this.
If this is the stuff 3 does then I can't wait to eventually get to it.
It's so fun with a beautiful look, fantastic music (which okay tbf is mostly from the old games), and a story I do quite like.

Death Count: 2