62 Reviews liked by Caunipa

juego que va sobre qué le pasó al batería de Aiko el Grupo después de dejar la banda

Nothing short of a cruel joke to have the single best missions in the ace combat franchise sandwhiched between a wall of unskippable dialogue, poor missile economy and occasionally respawning units.

It's that type of self-sabotage that only happens with Sonic games.

ajuda, SHODAN ha posat el meu ordinador en català i m'està obligant a jugar aquest joc de merda 20 vegades per poder parlar normal

puedes ver que hay ideas buenas ahi metidas pero es que por cada una de esas hay 20 malas puestas encima hechas para hacerte querer tirar la swis por el vater


Would have loved to see a party based system with this level of polish. Great game with a twisty plot.

Atack on Titan x Asura's Wrath. El director del juego se sacó un grado en 'Cosas Chulas' para meterlas todas en este juego. Las secundarias están para que nadie se de cuenta que en realidad no es un jrpg, porque el 90% son malas. La trama tiene a Jill de mujer florero. Aun con todo es un juego para recordar

The best way to summarize the Mitsurugi experience is that if you play the game using a controller, you can't set its volume to 15%, as it bounces between 14% and 16%.

The reason for this to be happening, is that instead of having volume be a global variable in which you set its value on a given menu, they made one variable for each possible volume. There's the var BGM_1, BGM_2, BGM_3, BGM_4, etc... and you cycle between them. Except, they forgot to make BGM_15.

Mind you, not even YandereDev fucked up like this.

Dad said I wouldn't go to heaven after I died for being gay and I'm so happy like OMG it means I can go to Rubacava and meet Manny Calavera this is so cool😍😍😍.

Jimmy Neutron lookin ass 3D models.

This review contains spoilers

Radical-6 = Coronavirus
Las zonas de cuarentena = Plandemia
El plan de Dio = Agenda 2030
Los brazos de Sigma = Culpa de la vacuna de Pedro Sánchez
Brother = Pedro Sánchez

Why the fuck are they talking about ice in a refrigerator?
I hate this game.

he durado una hora, los puzzles tienen cosas fatal diseñadas y el nucleo que te habla me hace querer reventarlo contra una pared, y viendo el palo del que va el juego esas dos cosas van a ir a peor y paso de sufrirlas

qué puto mierdón me cago en todo

este juego es literalmente la mochila "harry potter obama sonic 10"

Worst of all time. Trench of the medium. Denunciation of media. Dirt standard of storytelling. Bottom of creativity. Bedrock of invention. Foot of ingenuity. Underbelly of imagination. Nadir of innovation. Worst of the worst. Failure among failures. Abyss fiction.