It's a 9 but blighttown on an xbox 360 makes getting a back alley lobotomy look pleasurable

Dark Souls but blighttown doesnt run at fucking 6fps and the very based DLC is included. Pure kino.

This is one of the best games I've ever played and i will not elaborate

Great sequel and deserves a high score just because the cutscenes make me laugh.
Some of the levels can be a ball ache to navigate sure, but i just found the game so enjoyable figuring them out didn't feel like a chore

Is it the worst Bloulsfart-whatever the fucking acronym is now-game? Yeah, probably. Did i enjoy it a lot still? Damn right i did.

Probably one of the best sequels I've ever played. It does everything you want it to coming from the first game and the story is without a doubt my favourite in the franchise. Everything from characters to areas feels memorable and the modern day plot is still well handled.
Despite all this, it's not exactly a masterpiece and still suffers from some clunky gameplay in combat and climbing. As well as this, the final story beats fall more flat from forcing the player to go collectable hunting to progress to the end.
Generally though, I always have a great time with AC2 and can always find more to love than not.

The problem with AC: Rogue is that I would rather just be playing Black Flag. The story is a great twist on things for fans of the series, and if you enjoy AC3 and Black Flag this is more of the same. But that's basically it.

AC Origins is a pretty clean reboot of the franchise. It does enough of its own thing while paying respects to past games without going on for an eternity like Odyssey and Valhalla.
It doesn't hold back with being an action-RPG which isn't what I want out of this series, but stays grounded enough that you can still get an assassin experience.
I quite like the story in this one a fair bit, but with long stretches of time and side content between each beat my interest started to dwindle being used to past titles. I was also so lost with the modern story at this point that the new protagonist didn't interest me at all.
I find Origins worth playing for the solid mechanics more than anything and being able to just explore ancient Egypt, and I do prefer it to some previous entries.

Easily one of the worst games I've played. It's as if Baal or some shit cooked the developers in a big pot as the series went on.

Probably the best superhero game ever made. Amazing sequel to an amazing game and I can't even elaborate because I feel the Arkham series is just such a must play for people to experience blind.

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I don't think this game hits the same highs as Rocksteady's do, but it has its own killer moments. For one, the boss fights in this game are pretty good and kind of outshine the other games. Level design is also excellent as in the other games and the world was enjoyable enough to explore.
The only real downsides to it are that it doesn't really do much with Arkham City's formula, and also has a pretty underwhelming story. I wish they just had the balls to leave Joker out of it.

This is an annoying one. The inclusion of Mara Jade is great but that's kind of it.
I love Dark Forces II, and this did a lot of things wrong as an expansion.

For one Mara is far weaker than Kyle and you have very little in the way of force powers by the end, where we should have seen different things. The levels in Dark Forces II felt fine enough for me, but a lot of this game takes the piss with how silly the solutions are. The final levels also throw such retarded enemies at you it's rare you'll ever make it round a corner without save spamming.

That aside, the game is still enjoyable to play like DF2 and i liked a couple of bosses at the end so the core experience was still there. It's just been buried in a lot of shit.

Hacknet enjoyers stay winning with this expansion

I really appreciate this game and enjoyed it for the most part.
Unfortunately I am severely mentally disabled, so when my party members died from so much as stepping on dirt the wrong way my tiny brain could just not conceive of how to play.
This resulted in me activating baby diaper gagagoogoo mode but I don't care because I just wanted to see the world and story after a point and not have 7 Excel spreadsheets open. It's a testament then that even if I broke the game, it still had me hooked on the exploration and little moments. The main story is kind of generic fantasy shart, but then it's D&D so I'm not about to judge that.