11 reviews liked by Charloment

the narrative of five nights at floppa is very interesting. For example why does floppa want the dumplings in room 8? What the fuck is popcat doing? Why can bingus only appear on a monitor? Why does floppa get a bag of dumplings if you beat n6? the writing of five nights at floppa is the best in gaming easily surpassing fan favourites like kojima

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This witch Gucci'd down to the socks but need 13 sacrifices🤨🤨🤨

i really wish it was possible to give less than half a star, and also that i could delete video game scenes from my mind. forever.

لعبة وقحة امريكية مستعمره وغبية صنعت من اجل الاغبياء

This is like if there was a Danganronpa game with Ace Attorney characters in it just replace hope and despair with dark age of the law

this game is like eating a delicious four-course meal and then finding out it was poisoned and you were actually eating dirt the whole time

the captain dude was the best character

Protag: Ow, my ass hurts-

Character: That reminds me of this story where this scientist hit his ass on the edge of a table, but didn’t feel it. Then, months later, he died of ass pain. They call it Temporal Ass Pain or TAP

Protag: I’d TAP that-

Character: Say we took two asses, and we both slapped them really hard, there’d be a 56.000079% chance that one of them won’t feel it. That pain didn’t just get absorbed by the ass tissue, it’s being transported to the future. They call people who don’t feel Ass pain until later…TAPers…I wonder…if they could transport ass pain to someone else-

Zero: Ive injected Ass Poison into all of your left buttcheeks. You have exactly 2 hours to solve my Ass Slap puzzle.

Layton is dead, and we have killed him.